نتایج جستجو

Complexity and Security (Nato Science for Peace and Series) (Nato Science for Peace and Series)
Jeremy J. Ramsden, Paata J. Kervalishvili
A History of Indian Literature, Volume II: Epic and Sanskrit Religious Literature, Fasc. 2: Hindu Tantric and Śākta Literature
Teun Goudriaan and Sanjukta Gupta, 1981
Computer Applications for Web, Human Computer Interaction, Signal and Image Processing, and Pattern Recognition: International Conferences, SIP, WSE, and ICHCI 2012, Held in Conjunction with GST 2012, Jeju Island, Korea, November 28-December 2, 2012. Proceedings
Aun Irtaza, Arfan Jaffar, Tae-Sun Choi (auth.), Tai-hoon Kim, Sabah Mohammed, Carlos Ramos, Jemal Abawajy, Byeong-Ho Kang, Dominik Ślęzak (eds.), 2012
FRP Composites for Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Structures: A Guide to Fundamentals and Design for Repair and Retrofit
Perumalsamy Balaguru, Antonio Nanni, James Giancaspro, 2008
Structured Electronic Design - High-Performance Harmonic Oscillators and Bandgap References (The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer ... Series in Engineering and Computer Science)
Arie van Staveren, Chris J.M. Verhoeven, Arthur H.M. van Roermund,, 2000
Earth and space 2010 : engineering, science, construction, and operations in challenging environments : proceedings of the Twelfth ASCE Aerospace Division International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations In Challenging Environments, March 14-17, 2010, Honolulu, HI
Song, Gangbing; Malla, Ramesh B, 2010
GPS And Galileo Dual RF Front End Receiver And Design Fabrication And Test
Jaizki Mendizabal Samper, Juan Melendez Lagunilla, Roc Berenguer Perez, 2009
Information and Communication Technologies, Society and Human Beings: Theory and Framework
Darek Haftor, Darek Haftor, Anita Mirijamdotter, 2010
Mobile Multimedia Communications: Concepts, Applications, and Challenges
Gour Karmakar and Laurence S. Dooley, Gour Karmakar and Laurence S. Dooley, 2007
Greek and Roman technology : a sourcebook : annotated translations of Greek and Latin texts and documents
John William Humphrey; John Peter Oleson; Andrew N Sherwood, 2003
1543 and All That: Image and Word, Change and Continuity in the Proto-Scientific Revolution
Guy Freeland (auth.), Guy Freeland, Anthony Corones (eds.), 2000
Biaxial/Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture, 6 International Conference on Biaxial/Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture
Andrea Carpinteri, Manuel de Freitas and Andrea Spagnoli (Eds.), 2003
Biaxial/Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture, 6 International Conference on Biaxial/Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture
Andrea Carpinteri, Manuel de Freitas and Andrea Spagnoli (Eds.), 2003
Advances in Database Technologies: ER ’98 Workshops on Data Warehousing and Data Mining, Mobile Data Access, and Collaborative Work Support and Spatio-Temporal Data Management, Singapore, November 19-20, 1998. Proceedings
Noureddine Mouaddib, Guillaume Raschia (auth.), Yahiko Kambayashi, Dik-Lun Lee, Ee-peng Lim, Mukesh Mohania, Yoshifumi Masunaga (eds.), 1999
Anticancer Drug Discovery and Development: Natural Products and New Molecular Models: Proceedings of the Second Drug Discovery and Development Symposium Traverse City, Michigan, USA — June 27–29, 1991
Fred Valeriote, Richard E. Moore (auth.), Frederick A. Valeriote, Thomas H. Corbett, Laurence H. Baker (eds.), 1994
Computer-Based Support for Clinical Guidelines and Protocols: Proceedings of the Symposium on Computerized Guidelines and Protocols (CGP 2004) (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics)
Katharina Kaiser, Silvia Miksch, W. Tu Samson, Samson W. Tu
Solar Flares and Collisions between Current-Carrying Loops: Types and Mechanisms of Solar Flares and Coronal Loop Heating
Jun-Ichi Sakai, Cornelis De Jager (auth.), Jun-Ichi Sakai, Cornelis De Jager (eds.), 1996
Mapping Nanotechnology Innovations and Knowledge: Global and Longitudinal Patent and Literature Analysis
Hsinchun Chen, Mihail C. Roco, 2009
Mapping Nanotechnology Innovations and Knowledge: Global and Longitudinal Patent and Literature Analysis (Integrated Series in Information Systems)
Chaomei Chen PhD, MSc, BSc (auth.), 2008