نتایج جستجو

Ulysses (Oxford World's Classics)
James Joyce
Understanding Figurative Language: From Metaphor to Idioms (Oxford Psychology Series)
Sam Glucksberg (with a contribution by Matthew S. McGlone), 2001
Trees and Timber in the Ancient Mediterranean World (Oxford Reprints)
Russell Meiggs, 1983
Tristan Corbière and the Poetics of Irony. Oxford Modern Languages and Literature Monographs
Katherine Lunn-Rockliffe, 2006
Truly Beyond Wonders: Aelius Aristides and the Cult of Asklepios (Oxford Studies in Ancient Culture and Representation)
Alexia Petsalis-Diomidis, 2010
Treatment-Resistant Mood Disorders (Oxford Psychiatry Library)
Roger McIntyre, 2015
Theories of Lexical Semantics (Oxford Linguistics)
Dirk Geeraerts, 2010
The Wind in the Willows (Oxford World’s Classics)
Kenneth Grahame (with Peter Hunt), 2010
The Theory of Infinite Soluble Groups (Oxford Mathematical Monographs)
John C. Lennox, 2004
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (Oxford World's Classics)
Anne Brontë, 1998
The Syntax of Ellipsis: Evidence from Dutch Dialects (Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax)
Jeroen Van Craenenbroeck, 2010
The Syntax of Sentential Stress (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics)
Arsalan Kahnemuyipour, 2009
The Structure of German, 2nd Edition (Oxford Linguistics)
Anthony Fox, 2005