نتایج جستجو

A Conquista do Espaço do Sputnik a Missão Centenário
Othon Cabo Winter, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida Prado (.Orgs), 2007
Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound
Anil T. Ahuja MDFRCR, James F. Griffith MBChFRCR, K. T. Wong MBChBFRCR, Gregory E. Antonio MDFRANZCR, Winnie C. W. Chu MBChBFRCR, Stella S. Y. Ho PhDRDMS, Shlok J. Lolge MD, Bhawan K. Paunipagar MDDNB, Anne Kennedy MD, Roya Sohaey MD, Simon S. M. Ho MBBSFRCR, Paula Woodward MD, William J. Zwiebel MD, 2007
Diagnostic Imaging: Ultrasound
Anil T. Ahuja MDFRCR, James F. Griffith MBChFRCR, K. T. Wong MBChBFRCR, Gregory E. Antonio MDFRANZCR, Winnie C. W. Chu MBChBFRCR, Stella S. Y. Ho PhDRDMS, Shlok J. Lolge MD, Bhawan K. Paunipagar MDDNB, Anne Kennedy MD, Roya Sohaey MD, Simon S. M. Ho MBBSFRCR, Paula Woodward MD, William J. Zwiebel MD, 2007
Expertddx: Ultrasound
Anil T. Ahuja, James F. Griffith, Deborah Levine, Gregory E. Antonio, Winnie C.W. Chu, K. T. Wong, Yolanda Y.P. Lee, 2010
Agent Technology from a Formal Perspective (NASA Monographs in Systems and Software Engineering)
Karin Breitman, Marco Antonio Casanova, Walt Truszkowski, 2006
Iterative Identification and Control: Advances in Theory and Applications
Michel Gevers (auth.), Pedro Albertos, Antonio Sala (eds.), 2002
Multivariable control systems
Pedro Albertos, Antonio Sala, 2003
Multivariable control systems : an engineering approach
P Albertos Pérez; Antonio Sala, Doctor, 2004
Multivariable Control Systems An Engineering Approach
Pedro Albertos, Antonio Sala, 2003
Multivariable Control Systems An Engineering Approach
Pedro Albertos, Antonio Sala, 2003
Multivariable Control Systems: An Engineering Approach
Pedro Albertos, Antonio Sala, 2003
Multivariable Control Systems: An Engineering Approach
Pedro Albertos, Antonio Sala, 2003
Multivariable Control Systems: An Engineering Approach (Advanced Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing)
Pedro Albertos, Antonio Sala, 2003
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2005: International Conference, Singapore, May 9-12, 2005, Proceedings, Part II
Hae-Sool Yang, Jung-Hun Hong, Seok-Hyung Hwang, Haeng-Kon Kim (auth.), Osvaldo Gervasi, Marina L. Gavrilova, Vipin Kumar, Antonio Laganà , Heow Pueh Lee, Youngsong Mun, David Taniar, Chih Jeng Kenneth Tan (eds.), 2005
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2008: International Conference, Perugia, Italy, June 30– July 3, 2008, Proceedings, Part II
Zhiwei Wang, Xuyun Nie, Shihui Zheng, Yixian Yang, Zhihui Zhang (auth.), Osvaldo Gervasi, Beniamino Murgante, Antonio Laganà , David Taniar, Youngsong Mun, Marina L. Gavrilova (eds.), 2008
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2008: International Conference, Perugia, Italy, June 30– July 3, 2008, Proceedings, Part II
Zhiwei Wang, Xuyun Nie, Shihui Zheng, Yixian Yang, Zhihui Zhang (auth.), Osvaldo Gervasi, Beniamino Murgante, Antonio Laganà , David Taniar, Youngsong Mun, Marina L. Gavrilova (eds.), 2008
Autonomic communication
Antonio Manzalini, Roberto Minerva, Corrado Moiso (auth.), Athanasios V. Vasilakos, Manish Parashar, Stamatis Karnouskos, Witold Pedrycz (eds.), 2009
Autonomic Communication
Antonio Manzalini, Roberto Minerva, Corrado Moiso (auth.), Athanasios V. Vasilakos, Manish Parashar, Stamatis Karnouskos, Witold Pedrycz (eds.), 2009
Security and Privacy in Mobile Information and Communication Systems (LNICST, 47)
Andreas U. Schmidt, Giovanni Russello, Antonio Lioy, Neeli R. Prasad, Shiguo Lian, 2011
Fibrosis Quistica Spanish
Rosa Maria Giron Moreno ,Antonio Salcedo Posadas
Quasi-Dimensional Simulation of Spark Ignition Engines: From Thermodynamic Optimization to Cyclic Variability
Alejandro Medina, Pedro Luis Curto-Risso, Antonio Calvo Hernández, Lev Guzmán-Vargas, Fernando Angulo-Brown, Asok K Sen (auth.), 2014
Fertilization in Protozoa and Metazoan Animals: Cellular and Molecular Aspects
Kazuyuki Mikami (auth.), Juan J. Tarín PhD, Antonio Cano MD (eds.), 2000