نتایج جستجو

The Illegal City: Space, Law and Gender in a Delhi Squatter Settlement
Ayona Datta, 2012
The Rise of Investor-State Arbitration: Politics, Law, and Unintended Consequences
Taylor St John, 2018
The Trouble with Marriage: Feminists Confront Law and Violence in India
Srimati Basu, 2015
The Proper Order of Things: Language, Power, and Law in Ottoman Administrative Discourses
Heather L Ferguson, 2018
Networks in Telecommunications: Economics and Law
Spulber D.F., Yoo C.S., 2009
Clinical Handbook of Psychiatry and the Law
Thomas G. Gutheil MD, Paul S. Appelbaum MD, 2019
Gender, Law and Economic Well-Being in Europe from the Fifteenth to the Nineteenth Century: North versus South?
Anna Bellavitis (editor), Beatrice Zucca Micheletto (editor), 2018
A Cultural History of Law in the Age of Enlightenment
Rebecca Probert, 2021
After Identity: A Reader In Law And Culture
Dan Danielsen; Karen Engle, 1995
How to Design and Build a Wooden Clock
Brian Law
Al-Muwatta of Imam Malik ibn Anas: The First Formulation of Islamic Law
Malik Ibn Anas; Aisha Bewley, 1989
Zooland: The Institution of Captivity (The Cultural Lives of Law)
Irus Braverman, 2013
The Oxford Handbook of the Law of the Sea
Donald R. Rothwell (editor), Alex G. Oude Elferink (editor), Karen N. Scott (editor), Tim Stephens (editor), 2015
The Legal Foundations of Micro-Institutional Performance: A Heterodox Law and Economics Approach
Sarah S. Klammer, Eric A. Scorsone, 2022
Character : writing and reputation in Victorian law and literature
Cathrine O. Frank, 2022
Law and Anthropology: Outlines, Issues, and Suggestions
Wolfgang Fikentscher, 2009
Kant and the Law of War
Arthur Ripstein, 2021
The Proof: Uses of Evidence in Law, Politics, and Everything Else
Frederick Schauer, 2022
Legal pluralism: toward a multicultural conception of law
Warwick Tie, 1997
Administrative Law: The Sources and Limits of Government Agency Power
Daniel L. Feldman, 2015
Minority Protection by Multiple Diversity Governance: Law, Ideology, and Politics in European Perspective
Joseph Marko; Sergiu Constantin, 2019
The Essential Guide to Planning Law: Decision-Making and Practice in the UK
Adam Sheppard; Deborah Peel; Heather Ritchie; Sophie Berry, 2016