نتایج جستجو

Weathering: The Extraordinary Stress of Ordinary Life in an Unjust Society
Dr. Arline T Geronimus, 2023
Guns and Society in Colonial Nigeria: Firearms, Culture, and Public Order
Saheed Aderinto, 2018
Annals of Scientific Society for Assembly, Handling and Industrial Robotics 2022
Thorsten Schüppstuhl, Kirsten Tracht, Jürgen Fleischer, 2023
The Human Use of Human Beings: Cybernetics and Society
Wiener Norbert, 1989
Kyrgyzstan beyond "Democracy Island" and "Failing State": Social and Political Changes in a Post-Soviet Society
Marlene Laruelle; Johan Engvall, 2015
Between War and the State: Civil Society in South Vietnam, 1954–1975
Van Nguyen-Marshall, 2023
The Tribes of Albania: History, Society and Culture
Robert Elsie, 2015
Africa Yearbook Volume 6 : Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara In 2009
Andreas Mehler; Henning Melber; Klaas van Walraven, 2010
Ritual, Society and Population at Klin-Yar (North Caucasus): Excavations 1994-1996 in the Iron Age to Early Medieval Cemetery
Andrej B. Belinskij, Heinrich Härke, 2018
Number Theory in the Spirit of Liouville (London Mathematical Society Student Texts, Series Number 76)
Kenneth S. Williams, 2010
Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, Series Number 303)
Miles Reid (editor), Alexei Skorobogatov (editor), 2004
Society, Women and Literature in Africa
Onyebuchi Orabueze, 2015
Business and Society: A Critical Introduction
Sonya Scott (editor), 2023
Seminole Voices: Reflections on Their Changing Society, 1970-2000
Julian M Pleasants; Harry A. Kersey, 2010
Moscow under Construction: City Building, Place-Based Protest, and Civil Society
Robert Argenbright, 2016
War in Heaven/Heaven on Earth: Theories of the Apocalyptic (Millennialism and Society)
Stephen D. O'Leary, Geln S. McGhee, 2005
Prefigurative Democracy: Protest, Social Movements and the Political Institution of Society
Mathijs van de Sande, 2022
Scottish Education and Society since 1945: Democracy and Intellect
Lindsay Paterson, 2023
Drama and Pride in the Gateway City : The 1964 St. Louis Cardinals
Bill Nowlin; John Harry Stahl; Society for American Baseball Research (SABR), 2020
Operations Research Proceedings 2022: Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), ... 2022 (Lecture Notes in Operations Research)
Oliver Grothe (editor), Stefan Nickel (editor), Steffen Rebennack (editor), Oliver Stein (editor), 2023