نتایج جستجو

Southeast Asian Education in Modern History: Schools, Manipulation, and Contest
Pia Maria Jolliffe and Thomas Richard Bruce, 2018
Critical Geographies of Education: Space, Place, and Curriculum Inquiry
Robert J. Helfenbein, 2021
Applied Theatre with Youth: Education, Engagement, Activism
Lisa S. Brenner, Chris Ceraso, Evelyn Diaz Cruz, 2021
Liberation in Higher Education: A White Researcher's Journey Through the Shadows
Sarah Militz-Frielink, 2019
International Perspectives on Leadership in Higher Education: Critical Thinking for Global Challenges
Jill Jameson (editor), 2019
Socially Just Pedagogies: Posthumanist, Feminist and Materialist Perspectives in Higher Education
Rosi Braidotti; Vivienne Bozalek; Tamara Shefer; Michalinos Zembylas, 2018
Aural Education: Reconceptualising Ear Training in Higher Music Learning
Monika Andrianopoulou, 2019
Skills-based health education
Mary Connolly, 2020
Education and the Making of Modern Iran
David Menashri, 1992
Role of ICT in Higher Education: Trends, Problems, and Prospects
Gopal Singh Latwal, Sudhir Kumar Sharma, Prerna Mahajan, Piet Kommers, 2021
Revitalizing Interculturality in Education: Chinese Minzu as a Companion
Fred Dervin, Mei Yuan, 2021
Talent Development in Gifted Education: Theory, Research, and Practice
Joyce VanTassel-Baska, 2021
Misinformation and Fake News in Education
Panayiota Kendeou; Daniel H. Robinson; Matthew T. McCrudden, 2019
History of Education in Nigeria
A. Babs Fafunwa, 1974
A Guide for Cultivating Mindfulness in Education
Thich Nhat Hanh; Katherine Weare, 2017
Reshaping Doctoral Education: International Approaches and Pedagogies
Alison Lee, Susan Danby, 2011
A Feminist Manifesto for Education
Miriam David, 2016
Transnational Writing Education: Theory, History, and Practice
Xiaoye You, 2018
Education Quality and Social Justice in the Global South: Challenges for Policy, Practice and Research
Leon Tikly; Angeline M. Barrett, 2013
The Delhi College: Traditional Elites, the Colonial State, and Education before 1857
Margrit Pernau (editor), 2006