نتایج جستجو

The Girl Who Committed Hara-Kiri and Other Clinical and Historical Essays
Franco Borgogno, Alice Spencer, 2013
Translating Buddhism: Historical and Contextual Perspectives
Alice Collett, 2021
Not Just for Show: The Archaeology of Beads, Beadwork, and Personal Ornaments
Daniella Bar-Yosef Mayer (editor), Alice M. Choyke (editor), 2017
Not Just for Show: The Archaeology of Beads, Beadwork, and Personal Ornaments
Daniella Bar-Yosef Mayer (editor), Alice M. Choyke (editor), 2017
Brazilian Mobilities
Maria Alice de Faria Nogueira; Camila Maria dos Santos Moraes, 2021
Life After Fossil Fuels: A Reality Check on Alternative Energy
Alice J. Friedemann, 2021
Democracy and the Welfare State: The Two Wests in the Age of Austerity
Alice Kessler-Harris; Maurizio Vaudagna, 2017
A Woman's Wage: Historical Meanings and Social Consequences
Alice Kessler-Harris, 2015
Civil Litigation: Process and Procedures
Thomas Goldman, Alice Hughes, 2018
Merovingian Letters and Letter Writers
Vida Alice Tyrrell, 2012
Contemporary Women Writers Look Back: From Irony to Nostalgia
Alice Ridout, 2010
The Cambridge Companion to Alice Munro
David Staines, 2016
What is narrative therapy? : an easy-to-read introduction
Alice Morgan, 2000
The Shakespearean International Yearbook 18: Special Section: Soviet Shakespeare
Tom Bishop (editor), Alexa Alice Joubin (editor), 2020
A Research Agenda for Animal Geographies
Alice Hovorka, Sandra McCubbin and Lauren Van Patter, 2021
Katherine Mansfield and World War One
Gerri Kimber, Delia Da Sousa Correa, W. Todd Martin, Alice Kelly, Isobel Maddison, 2014
By Love Refined
Alice von Hildebrand, 2013
Twenty Tales of Irish Saints
Alice Curtayne, 2013
The Routledge Handbook to the History and Society of the Americas
Olaf Kaltmeier, Josef Raab, Michael Stewart Foley, Alice Nash, Stefan Rinke, Mario Rufer, 2019
Effective Advocacy: Lessons from East Asia's Environmentalists
Mary Alice Haddad, 2021
L'Africa e la stregoneria. Saggio di antropologia storica
Alice Bellagamba, 2008