نتایج جستجو

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management
Raymond Noe, John Hollenbeck, Barry Gerhart, Patrick Wright, 2017
Software Engineering at Google: Lessons Learned from Programming Over Time
Titus Winters; Tom Manshreck; Hyrum Wright, 2020
International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences
Wright, James D.;, 2015
马克思主义者 = The Marxists
C.赖特.米尔斯(C. Wright Mills) 著, 1965
[美]C.赖特.米尔斯(C. Wright Mills) 著;杨小东 等译, 1987
社会学的想像力 = The Sociological Imagination
[美]C.赖特.米尔斯(C. Wright Mills) 著;陈强,张永强 译, 2001
权力精英 = The Power Elite
[美]查尔斯.赖特.米尔斯(C. Wright Mills) 著;许荣,王崑 译, 2004
赖特景观:弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特的景观设计 / Wrightscapes: Frank Lloyd Wright's Landscape designs
[美]查尔斯・E・阿瓜尔(Charles Aguar),贝蒂安娜・阿瓜尔(Berdeana Aguar) 著;朱强,李雪,张媛,刘英 等译, 2007
Handbook of Protest and Resistance in China
Teresa Wright, 2019
Nigel T. Wright, 2006
River Cottage A to Z: Our Favourite Ingredients, & How to Cook Them
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall; Pam Corbin; Mark Diacono; Nikki Duffy; Nick Fisher; Steven Lamb; Tim Maddams; Gill Meller; John Wright, 2016
The Encyclopedia of Native Music: More Than a Century of Recordings from Wax Cylinder to the Internet
Brian Wright-McLeod, 2005
Frank Lloyd Wright
Vincent Joseph Scully, 1960
La Bibbia commentata dai Padri. Antico Testamento: Proverbi. Qoèlet. Cantico dei cantici
Thomas C. Oden, Angelo Di Berardino, J. Robert Wright, Marco Conti Gianluca Pilara, 2007
Human Resource Management
Raymond Noe, John Hollenbeck, Barry Gerhart, Patrick Wright, 2010
The Letter of Aristeas: ‘Aristeas to Philocrates’ or ‘On the Translation of the Law of the Jews’
Benjamin G. Wright III, 2015
The Growth of American Constitutional Law
Benjamin F. Wright, 1942