نتایج جستجو

The Iran-Iraq War (1) The Battle For Khuzestan, September 1980-May 1982
E. R. Hooton & Tom Cooper & Farzin Nadimi, 2021
The Palaeolithic of Northeast Asia: The History and Results of Research, 1940-1980
Vitaly A. Kashin, 2023
Palestinian Traditional Pottery: A Contribution to Palestinian Culture. a Fieldwork Study, 1972-1980 (Cahiers De La Revue Biblique, 101)
E. Burr (editor), J. B. Humbert (editor), O. Rye (editor), H. Salem (editor), 2021
The Panjshir Valley 1980–86: The Lion Tames the Bear in Afghanistan
Mark Galeotti, 2021
Bibliografia dei fondi manoscritti della Biblioteca Vaticana (1968-1980)
Marco Buonocore, 1986
Trauma in American Popular Culture and Cult Texts, 1980-2020
Sean Travers, 2022
Leopardi e il mondo antico. Atti del V Convegno internazionale di studi leopardiani (Recanati, 22-25 settembre 1980)
Centro Nazionale Studi Leopardiani, 1982
Cuban Catholics in the United States, 1960-1980 : Exile and Integration
Gerald E. Poyo, 2007
"Ni ceci, ni cela" : 24 entretiens du 20-12-1978 au 20-11-1980
Nisargadatta Maharaj, 1997
Her Cold War: Women in the U.S. Military, 1945-1980
Tanya L. Roth, 2021
Bibliography of Publications by the Faculty, Staff and Students of the University of California, 1876-1980, on Grapes, Wines and Related Subjects
Maynard A. Amerine; Herman J. Phaff, 2023
El movimiento obrero peruano (1890-1980). Reseña histórica
Denis Sulmont, 1980
Jane's Infantry Weapons 1980-1981
John Weeks, 1980
Things You Need to Hear : Collected Memories of Growing up in Arkansas, 1890-1980
Margaret Jones Bolsterli, 2012
Guida ai super robot. L'animazione robotica giapponese dal 1972 al 1980
Jacopo Nacci, 2016
Poesía y violencia política. Perú 1980-1992
Gómez Fernández, Juan Paolo, 2009
Memoria, violencia y posconflicto en las tesis universitarias : Un estudio comparativo entre la UNMSM y la PUCP (1980-2018)
Lugar de la Memoria, la Tolerancia y la Inclusión Social del Perú, 2021
Reflexiones sobre el terrorismo y el conflicto armado no internacional (1980-2000, Perú)
César Astudillo, 2024