نتایج جستجو

Addressing the socioeconomic determinants of healthy eating habits and physical activity levels among adolescents
report writers editors: Alex Mathieson, and Theadora Koller .
Anxiety in Health Behaviors and Physical Illness (Series in Anxiety and Related Disorders)
Michael J. Zvolensky, Jasper A. J. Smits, 2007
Atmospheric Circulation Systems: Their Structure and Physical Interpretation
E. Palmén and C.W. Newton (Eds.), 1969
Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, 3e, Measurements Techniques and Instrumentation
Robert Allen Meyers, 2007
DeLisa's Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: Principles and Practice
Joel A. DeLisa, Bruce M. Gans, William L. Bockenek, Walter R. Frontera, Lynn H. Gerber, Steve R. Geiringer, William S. Pease, Lawrence R. Robinson, Jay Smith, Todd P. Stitik, Ross D. Zafonte, 2004
Physical Acoustics: Principles and Methods
WARREN P. MASON and R.N. THURSTON (Eds.), 1981
Fit & Well: Core Concepts and Labs in Physical Fitness and Wellness
Thomas Fahey, Paul Insel, Walton Roth, 2014
The Trinity and an Entangled World: Relationality in Physical Science and Theology
John Polkinghorne, 2010
Material Designs and New Physical Properties in MX- and MMX-Chain Compounds
S. Takaishi, M. Yamashita (auth.), Masahiro Yamashita, Hiroshi Okamoto (eds.), 2013
Physical Sciences and Engineering Advances in Life Sciences and Oncology: A WTEC Global Assessment
Paul Janmey, Daniel Fletcher, Sharon Gerecht, Ross Levine, Parag Mallick, Owen McCarty, Lance Munn, Cynthia Reinhart-King (eds.), 2016
Pulse Voltammetry in Physical Electrochemistry and Electroanalysis: Theory and Applications
Ángela Molina, Joaquín González (auth.), 2016
Collaboration between the health and transport sectors in promoting physical activity : examples from European countries
Oliver Thommen Dombois, Sonja Kahlmeier, Eva Martin-Diener, Brian Martin, Francesca Racioppi and Charlotte Braun-Fahrlander
Carbon Capture and Storage: Physical, Chemical, and Biological Methods
Edited by Rao Y. Surampalli, Tian C. Zhang, R. D. Tyagi, Ravi Naidu, B. R. Gurjar, C. S. P. Ojha, Song Yan, Satinder K. Brar, Anushuya Ramakrishnan, C. M. Kao, 2015
Physical Multiscale Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Electrochemical Devices for Energy Conversion and Storage: From Theory to Engineering to Practice
Alejandro A. Franco, Marie Liesse Doublet, Wolfgang G. Bessler (eds.), 2016