نتایج جستجو

A Escalada do Monte Improvável
Richard Dawkins, 1998
Dismembering the American Dream: The Life and Fiction of Richard Yates
Kate Charlton-Jones, 2014
Conducting Miranda Evaluations: Applications of Psychological Expertise and Science within the Forensic Context
Richard Rogers; Eric Y. Drogin, 2019
Confronting the Existential Threat of Dementia: An Exploration into Emotion Regulation
Richard Cheston; Gary Christopher, 2019
Term Limits in the State Legislatures
Carey, John M.; Niemi, Richard G.; Powell, Lynda W.
Reading Development and Difficulties: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice
David A. Kilpatrick; R. Malatesha Joshi; Richard K. Wagner, 2019
Vagueness and Rationality in Language Use and Cognition
Richard Dietz, 2019
Constituting Selves: Psychology’s Pragmatic Horizon
Richard E. Duus, 2020
Identity and Symbolic Interaction: Deepening Foundations, Building Bridges
Richard T. Serpe; Robin Stryker; Brian Powell, 2020
Falls and Cognition in Older Persons: Fundamentals, Assessment and Therapeutic Options
Manuel Montero-Odasso; Richard Camicioli, 2019
Statistical Learning from a Regression Perspective
Richard A. Berk
Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting
Peter J. Brockwell; Richard A. Davis, 2016
Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting
Peter J. Brockwell & Richard A. Davis
Statistical Analysis and Data Display
Richard M. Heiberger & Burt Holland
Concepts, Methods and Practical Applications in Applied Demography: An Introductory Textbook
Richard K. Thomas, 2018
Concepts, Methods and Practical Applications in Applied Demography
Richard K. Thomas
Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications (Texts in Computer Science)
Richard Szeliski, 2010
Voice and Communication Therapy for the Transgender/Gender Diverse Client: A Comprehensive Clinical Guide
Adler, Richard Kenneth; Hirsch, Sandy; Pickering, Jack (editors), 2019
Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind: 50th Anniversary Edition
Shunryu Suzuki, Trudy Dixon, Huston Smith, Richard Baker, David Chadwick, 2020
Energia per i presidenti del futuro
Richard A. Muller, 2013
Statistical Concepts – A First Course
Debbie L. Hahs-Vaughn; Richard G. Lomax, 2020
Statistical Concepts: A First Course
Debbie L. Hahs-vaughn, Richard G. Lomax, 2020
Multimedia Reporting: How Digital Tools Can Improve Journalism Storytelling
Richard Scott Dunham, 2019
Para ler o Seminário 11 de Lacan: os quatro conceitos fundamentais da psicanálise
Richard Feldstein; Bruce Fink; Maire Jaanus (orgs.), 1997