نتایج جستجو

The Facts on File Student's Dictionary of American English
Cynthia A. Barnhart, 2007
The Facts on File Student's Dictionary of American English (Facts on File Writer's Library)
Cynthia A. Barnhart, 2008
A Practical Guide To Business Writing: Writing In English For Non-Native Speakers
Khaled Al-Maskari, 2012
Comparative Stylistics of French and English: A methodology for translation
Jean-Paul Vinay, Jean Darbelnet, Juan C. Sager, M.-J. Hamel, 1995
A Communicative Grammar of English, Third Edition
Geoffrey Leech, Jan Svartvik, 2003
A Communicative Grammar of English, Third Edition
Geoffrey Leech, Jan Svartvik, 2003
A Comparative Grammar of British English Dialects, Volume 1: Agreement, Gender, Relative Clauses
Bernd Kortmann (ed.), Tanja Herrmann (ed.), Lukas Pietsch (ed.), Susanne Wagner (ed.), 2005
A Comprehensive English Grammar
C.E. Eckersley, J.M. Eckersley, 1960
A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language
Randolph Quirk, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech, Jan Svartvik, 1985
A Concise English-Interlingua Dictionary + Short Interlingua Grammar and Vocabulary
Woodruff W. Bryne + British Interlingua Society, 1958
A Concise Grammar for English Language Teachers
Tony Penston, 2005
A Contrastive Grammar of English and Dutch: Contrastieve grammatica Engels / Nederlands
Flor G. A. M. Aarts, Herman Chr. Wekker (auth.), 1987
A Course Book in English Grammar
Dennis Freeborn (auth.), 1987
A French-English grammar : a contrastive grammar on translational principles
Morris Salkoff., 1999.
A Functional Discourse Grammar for English
Evelien Keizer, 2015
A Grammar of Contemporary English
Randolph Quirk, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech, Jan Svartvik, 1972
A Grammar of Old English
Richard M. Hogg, 2011
A Grammar of Old English: Morphology
Richard M. Hogg, R. D. Fulk, 2011
A Grammar of Old English: Morphology, Volume 2
Richard M. Hogg, R. D. Fulk(auth.), 2011
A Grammar of Old English: Phonology, Volume 1
Richard M. Hogg(auth.), 2011