نتایج جستجو

Ut pictura poeta: Author Images and the Reading of Ancient Literature / Autorbilder und die Lekture antiker Literatur (Giornale Italiano Di Filologia - Bibliotheca, 29) (English and German Edition)
Ute Tischer (editor), Ursula Gartner (editor), Alexandra Forst (editor), 2022
Mark: Images of an Apostolic Interpreter
C. Clifton Black, 2001
The Cheirograph of Adam in Armenian and Romanian Traditions: New Texts and Images
Michael E. Stone, Emanuela Timotin, 2023
Images of the Present Time
Alain Badiou, 2023
Images of Persons Unseen: Plato's Metaphors for the Gods and the Soul
Elizabeth E. Pender, 2000
Digital Ethics: The issue of images
Thomas Dreier; Tiziana Andina (editors), 2022
Object Detection and Recognition in Digital Images: Theory and Practice
Boguslaw Cyganek, 2013
Channels of Desire : Mass Images and the Shaping of American Consciousness
Stuart Ewen; Elizabeth Ewen, 1992
Roman Mosaics: Over 60 Full-Color Images from the 4th Through the 13th Centuries
Joseph Wilpert, 2012
Engaging Images for Research, Pedagogy, and Practice: Utilizing Visual Methods to Understand and Promote College Student Development
Bridget Turner Kelly; Carrie A. Kortegast; Peter M. Magolda, 2018
Images of Delhi: A Literary and Humanistic Geography of Post-independence India
Ramesh Chandra Dhussa, 2023
Images of Torah: From the Second-Temple Period to the Middle Ages
Jeong Mun Heo, 2023
God's Lovers: A Sufi Community in Macedonia : Text and Images
Nicolaas H. Biegman
Images of Incarceration: Representations of Prison in Film and Television Drama
David Wilson; Sean O'Sullivan, 2004
Reading Photographs: An Introduction to the Theory and Meaning of Images
Richard Salkeld, 2013