نتایج جستجو

Enterprise Sales and Operations Planning: Synchronizing Demand, Supply and Resources for Peak Performance
George E. Palmatier, Colleen Crum, 2002
Digital Animation Bible
George Agverakis
Digital Animation Bible: Creating Professional Animation with 3ds max, LightWave, and Maya
George Avgerakis, 2003
Digital Animation Bible: Creating Professional Animation with 3ds Max, Lightwave, and Maya
George Avgerakis, 2003
Digital Animation Bible: Creating Professional Animation with 3ds Max, Lightwave, and Maya
George Avgerakis, 2003
Digital Character Animation 3
George Maestri, 2006
Adaptive Antennas for Wireless Communications
George V. Tsoulos, 2001
An Introduction to Communication Network Analysis
George Kesidis, 2007
Advances in Ubiquitous Computing: Future Paradigms and Directions
Soraya Kouadri Mostefaoui, Soraya Kouadri Mostefaoui, Zakaria Maamar, George M. Giaglis, 2008
Advances in Visual Computing: Third International Symposium, ISVC 2007, Lake Tahoe, NV, USA, November 26-28, 2007, Proceedings, Part I
Giorgio Panin, Alois Knoll (auth.), George Bebis, Richard Boyle, Bahram Parvin, Darko Koracin, Nikos Paragios, Syeda-Mahmood Tanveer, Tao Ju, Zicheng Liu, Sabine Coquillart, Carolina Cruz-Neira, Torsten Müller, Tom Malzbender (eds.), 2007
Advances in Visual Computing: Third International Symposium, ISVC 2007, Lake Tahoe, NV, USA, November 26-28, 2007, Proceedings, Part II
Pier-Luc St-Onge, Guillaume-Alexandre Bilodeau (auth.), George Bebis, Richard Boyle, Bahram Parvin, Darko Koracin, Nikos Paragios, Syeda-Mahmood Tanveer, Tao Ju, Zicheng Liu, Sabine Coquillart, Carolina Cruz-Neira, Torsten Müller, Tom Malzbender (eds.), 2007
Agents and Peer-to-Peer Computing: 4th International Workshop, AP2PC 2005, Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 25, 2005. Revised Papers
Thanasis G. Papaioannou, George D. Stamoulis (auth.), Zoran Despotovic, Sam Joseph, Claudio Sartori (eds.), 2006
Analysis of messy data
George A. Milliken, Dallas E. Johnson, 2004
Advanced PHP Programming
George Schlossnagle, 2004
Compiler Construction: 15th International Conference, CC 2006, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2006, Vienna, Austria, March 30-31, 2006. Proceedings
George Necula (auth.), Alan Mycroft, Andreas Zeller (eds.), 2006
Inside the FFT Black Box: Serial and Parallel Fast Fourier Transform Algorithms
Eleanor Chu, Alan George, 1999
Introduction to Compiler Construction With Unix
Axel T. Schreiner, H. George Friedman, 1985
Advanced PHP Programming
George Schlossnagle, 2004
Math into LateX
George Gratzer, 1996
Math into LaTeX: an introduction to LaTeX and AMS-LaTex
George Grätzer, 1996
Math into LaTeX: an introduction to LaTeX and AMS-LaTex
George Grätzer, 1996
Math into LATEX: An Introduction to LATEX and AMS-LATEX
George Grätzer, 1995
Math into LaTeX: an introduction to LaTeX and AMS-LaTeX(pages 3-56,345-432)
George Grätzer, 1995