نتایج جستجو

EU Citizenship at the Edges of Freedom of Movement (Modern Studies in European Law)
Katarina Hyltén-Cavallius, 2020
Societal Stress and Law
Larry D. Barnett, 2023
Copyright Law in the Digital Society: The Challenges of Multimedia
Tanya Aplin, 2005
Costs and Cautionary Tales: Economic Insights for the Law
Anthony I. Ogus, 2006
Gender Justice in Islamic Law: Homicide and Bodily Injuries
Musa Usman Abubakar, 2018
Bonar Law: The Unknown Prime Minister
R. J. Q. Adams, 1999
Migrant Labour and the Reshaping of Employment Law
Bernard Ryan, Rebecca Zahn, 2023
Starke's International Law
J.G. Starke
An introduction to international law
J.G. Starke, 1972
Select Proceedings of the European Society of International Law: Volume 1 2006
Hélène Ruiz-Fabri; Emmanuelle Jouannet; Vincent Tomkiewicz (editors), 2008
Justice and Mercy: Moral Theology and the Exercise of Law in Twelfth-Century England
Philippa Byrne, 2019
Criminal Law
Mark Thomas, 2023
Letters to a Law Student
Nicholas McBride, 2006
Above the Law
Paul Palango, 1994
Law of Inheritance (Rules and Calculations)
Md. Mostofa Kamal, 2015
Revisiting Kant's Universal Law and Humanity Formulas
Sven Nyholm, 2015
EU Executive Discretion and the Limits of Law
Joana Mendes (editor), 2019
Transfer Pricing in Germany : Translation of Important Law and Regulations
Carsten Kratzer; Martin Blesgen, 2011
Landmark Cases in Private International Law
William Day, Louise Merrett, 2023
Franz Kafka's Use of Law in Fiction
Volkmar Sander, 1986
The Practical Guide to Humanitarian Law
Françoise Bouchet-Saulnier; Laura Brav; Camille Michel; Laura Brav; Camille Michel, 2013
Studies in the History of Tax Law, Volume 6
John Tiley (editor), 2013