نتایج جستجو

Applied Mathematics And Modeling For Chemical Engineers, Second Edition
Richard G. Rice, Duong D. Do, 2012
Acid Deposition: Proceedings of the CEC Workshop organized as part of the Concerted Action “Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Atmospheric Pollutants”, held in Berlin, 9 September 1982
Prof. J. Schmoelling (auth.), S. Beilke, A. J. Elshout (eds.), 1983
The Chemical Scythe: Lessons of 2,4,5-T and Dioxin
Alastair Hay (auth.), 1982
Advances in Biological and Chemical Terrorism Countermeasures
Ronald J. Kendall, Steven M. Presley, Galen P. Austin, Philip N. Smith, 2008
Advances in Chemical Engineering: Molecular and Cellular Foundations of Biomaterials
A. Peppas and M.V. Sefton (Eds.), 2004
Advances in Chemical Engineering: Molecular and Cellular Foundations of Biomaterials
A. Peppas and M.V. Sefton (Eds.), 2004
Advances in Chemical Engineering: Molecular and Cellular Foundations of Biomaterials
A. Peppas and M.V. Sefton (Eds.), 2004
Biotherapeutics: Recent Developments Using Chemical and Molecular Biology
Lyn Jones, Andrew J. McKnight, 2013
Biotherapeutics: Recent Developments using Chemical and Molecular Biology
Lyn H Jones, Andrew J McKnight, David Fox, Peter H Seeberger, Sterghios A Moschos, Christine Power, Edmund Graziani, Rob Liskamp, Ben Davis, Kim Janda, Duncan McGregor, Christian Heinis, Pallavi Tawde, Hilde Revets, John Chaddock, David A Spiegel, Henrik Orum, Partha Chowdhury, David King, 2013
Analysis, Synthesis and Design of Chemical Processes CD
Richard Turton, Richard Bailie, Wallace B. Whiting, Joseph Shaeiwitz, Debangsu Bhattacharyya, 2012
Analysis, synthesis, and design of chemical processes
David W. T. Rippin (auth.), Ginraras V. Reklaitis, Aydin K. Sunol, David W. T. Rippin, Öner Hortaçsu (eds.), 2009
Batch Processing Systems Engineering: Fundamentals and Applications for Chemical Engineering
Sunggyu Lee; Yatish T Shah, 1996
Chemical and Energy Process Engineering
Skogestad, Sigurd, 2008
Chemical Engineering. Essentials of Process Control
Dupont, 1996
Chemical Micro Process Engineering: Fundamentals, Modelling and Reactions
Volker Hessel, Steffen Hardt, Holger Löwe, 2004
Chemical Micro Process Engineering: Fundamentals, Modelling and Reactions
Dr. Volker Hessel, Dr. Steffen Hardt, Dr. Holger Lowe(auth.), 2004
Chemical Micro Process Engineering: Processing and Plants
Volker Hessel, Holger Lowe, Andreas Muller, Gunther Kolb, 2005
Chemical Process Engineering Design and Economics
Harry Silla, 2003
Chemical Process Engineering Design and Economics
Harry Silla, 2003