نتایج جستجو

Vitamin D: Physiology, Molecular Biology, and Clinical Applications
Michael F. Holick PHD, 2010
Vitamin D: Physiology, Molecular Biology, and Clinical Applications
Michael F. Holick PHD, 2010
Aging and the Meaning of Time: A Multidisciplinary Exploration
Susan McFadden PhD, 2006
Aging, Society, and the Life Course:
Leslie A. Morgan PhD, 2006
An Empowering Approach to Managing Social Service Organizations (Social Work Series)
Donna Hardina PhD, 2006
Anger-Related Disorders: A Practitioner's Guide to Comparative Treatments
Eva Feindler PhD, 2006
Anger-Related Disorders: A Practitioner's Guide to Comparative Treatments
Eva Feindler PhD, 2006
Treating Young Veterans: Promoting Resilience Through Practice and Advocacy
Diann Kelly PhD LMSW, 2011
Working with Toxic Older Adults: A Guide to Coping With Difficult Elders
Gloria Davenport PhD, 1998
Youth Violence: Theory, Prevention, and Intervention
Kathryn Seifert PhD, 2011
Zen & Psychotherapy: Integrating Traditional and Nontraditional Approaches
Christopher J. Mruk PhD, 2003
Zen & Psychotherapy: Integrating Traditional and Nontraditional Approaches
Christopher J. Mruk PhD, 2003
The Essential Sternberg: Essays on Intelligence, Psychology, and Education
Elena L. Grigorenko PhD, 2008
The Handbook of Stress Science: Biology, Psychology, and Health
Richard Contrada PhD, 2010
The Person with Hiv / Aids: Nursing Perspectives
Jerry D. Durham PhD RN FAAN, 2000
The Therapeutic Community: Theory, Model, and Method
George De Leon PhD, 2000
Tools for Building Culturally Competent HIV Prevention Programs
Julie Solomon PhD, 2007
Social Work and Family Violence: Theories, Assessment, and Intervention
Dr. Joan McClennen PhD, 2010
Statistics for Advanced Practice Nurses and Health Professionals
Manfred Stommel PhD, 2014
Successful Grant Writing, : Strategies for Health and Human Service Professionals
Laura N. Gitlin PhD, 2008
The Aging Networks: A Guide to Programs and Services, 7th Edition
Kelly Niles-Yokum MPA PhD, 2010
The Artinian Intersystem Model: Integrating Theory and Practice for the Professional Nurse, Second Edition
Dr. Barbara Artinian PhD RN, 2011
The Changing Face of Health Care Social Work: Professional Practice in Managed Behavioral Health Care, Second Edition
Sophia F. Dziegielewski PhD LCSW, 2004