نتایج جستجو

Cognitive Approaches to Old English Poetry
Antonina Harbus, 2012
The Arabic Encyclopedia (vol 5) (Arabic and English Edition)
Boutros (Peter) Al-Boustani
Sanscrit Vocabulary. English and Sanscrit
Edward Augustus Prinsep, 1847
101 American English Idioms
Harry Collis, 2007
On Voice in the English Verb
Jan Svartvik, 1985
English Grammar ALL IN ONE
Geraldine Woods, 2023
The English Nursery School
Phoebe E. Cusden, 2022
Language Narratives and Shifting Multilingual Pedagogies: English Teaching from the South
Belinda Mendelowitz, Ana Ferreira, Kerryn Dixon, 2023
The Gospel of Mark According to the Syriac Peshitta Version with English Translation
George Kiraz; Jeff W. Childers, 2019
2 Maccabees According to the Syriac Peshitta Version with English Translation
Philip Forness, 2022
The Imperial Archives from Discovery to the Civilisational Mission: English Writings on India, Volume 6: Thugs and Dacoits
Pramod K. Nayar (editor), 2023
The Phonetics of Derived Words in English: Tracing Morphology in Speech Production
Simon David Stein, 2022![List of 20000 words by frequency [Corpus of Contemporary American English][COCA]](http://cdn.ketabkoo.com/covers/16/1688672-n.jpg)
List of 20000 words by frequency [Corpus of Contemporary American English][COCA]
Mark Davies, Dee Gardner, 2010
Duden Pictorial Encyclopedia in Five Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
Bibliographisches Institut AG, 1958
The Penguin Dictionary of English Idioms (Properly Bookmarked in Detail)
Gulland Daphne, Hinds-Howell David., 1994