نتایج جستجو

Christopher A. Paul
Make Virtual Learning Matter
Paul Axtell, 2020
Actions Speak Loudly with Words: Unpacking Collaboration Around the Table
Rowanne Fleck, Yvonne Rogers, Nicola Yuill, Paul Marshall, Amanda Carr, Jochen Ric , Victoria Bonnett
Status in World Politics
T. V. Paul, D. W. Larson, W. C. Wohlforth (eds.), 2014
The Encyclopedia of Philosophy v1–8
Paul Edwards (editor), 1967
Liberated! The Economics of Hope
Paul Hellyer, 2020
Carolingian Civilization: A Reader
Paul Edward Dutton, 1993
Conscious Immortality
Paul Brunton; Munagala Venkataramiah, 2013
How to Make Great Music Mashups
Zala, Paul, 2018
Managing Negative Emotions Without Drinking: A Workbook of Effective Strategies
Paul R. Stasiewicz, Clara M. Bradizza, Kim S. Slosman, 2018
Auge y caída de las grandes potencias
Paul Kennedy, 2016
Auge y caída de las grandes potencias
Paul Kennedy, 2016
The Turbulent Universe
Paul Kurtz, 2013
Austroasiatic studies. Papers from ICAAL 4
Sophana Srichampa, Paul Sidwell, Kenneth Gregerson, 2011
Five years : thoughts during a useless time.
Paul Goodman, 1969
Birds of Western Ecuador: A Photographic Guide
Nick Athanas, Paul J. Greenfield, Iain Campbell, Pablo Cervantes Daza, Andrew Spencer, Sam Woods, 2016
The Handbook of Austroasiatic Languages (2 Vols.)
Paul Sidwell; Mathias Jenny, 2014
La syntaxe du codex: essai de codicologie structurale
Patrick Andrist; Paul Canart; Marilena Maniaci, 2013
Οικογένεια και νέες μορφές γονεϊκότητας
Νίκος Παπαχριστόπουλος; Κυριακή Σαμαρτζή; Sigmund Freud; Paul-Laurent Assoun; Maurice Godelier; Françoise Héritier; François Leguil; Serge Cottet; Phillipe Gutton; Marie-Hélène Brousse; Κατερίνα Μάτσα; Νίκος Σιδέρης; Θανάσης Τζαβάρας; Marcel Gauchet; Alain Renaut; Marine Boisson; Rose-Paule Vinciguerra; Έλφη Lefeuvre-Κιλλαχίδου; Νατάσα Κατσογιάννη; Daniel Dagenais; Dany-Robert Dufour; Παντελής Κυπριανός; Ελένη Ανδριάκαινα; Denis Duclos; Ελένη Τζαβάρα; François Ansermet; Vicente Palomera; Guy Bri, 2009
Richard Brauer Collected Papers I-III
Richard Brauer, (editor) Paul Fong, (editor) Warren J. Wong, 1980
Reassembling Scholarly Communications
Martin Paul Eve and Jonathan Gray, 2020