نتایج جستجو

The Universal Journalist: Expanded and Updated
David Randall, 2016
Volume 6, Tome I: Kierkegaard and His German Contemporaries - Philosophy
Jon Stewart, 2007
Volume 6, Tome II: Kierkegaard and His German Contemporaries - Theology
Jon Stewart, 2007
Collectors Gazette
Майстерня історика. Джерелознавство та спеціальні історичні дисципліни
Дашкевич Ярослав, 2011
Heines Begriff der Geschichte: Der Journalist Heinrich Heine und die Julimonarchie
Ortwin Lämke (auth.), 1997
Märchenkinder — Zeitgenossen: Untersuchungen zur Kinderliteratur der Weimarer Republik
Helga Karrenbrock (auth.), 1995
Журналист этикасы. Оқу құралы
Жақсылықбаева Р.С.
The ethnographer’s magic and other essays in the history of anthropology
Stocking, George W. Jr, 1992
This Is Cuba: An American Journalist Under Castro’s Shadow
David Ariosto, 2018
何榮幸 台大新聞研究所, 2008
The Journalist’s Guide to Media Law: A handbook for communicators in a digital world
Mark Pearson, Mark Polden, 2019
Trailblazer: A Pioneering Journalist’s Fight to Make the Media Look More Like America
Dorothy Butler Gilliam, 2019
Writing ‘True Stories’: Historians and Hagiographers in the Late Antique and Medieval Near East
Arietta Papaconstantinou, Muriel Debié, Hugh Kennedy, 2010
Some Tricks of Desperation: A Publicist at Work on Movies
Tom Canford, Jonathan May, 2105
Good, the Bad, and the Data: Shane the Lone Ethnographer’s Basic Guide to Qualitative Data Analysis
Sally Campbell Galman, 2016
Surviving Death: A Journalist Investigates Evidence for an Afterlife
Leslie Kean, 2017
Gomorra - a história real de um jornalista infiltrado na violenta máfia napolitana
Roberto Saviano, 2016
Surviving Death: A Journalist Investigates Evidence for an Afterlife
Leslie Kean, 2017
A reggel, amikor eljöttek értünk: Egy újságírónő feljegyzései Szíriából
Janine di Giovanni, 2018