نتایج جستجو

Extremal Length and Closed Extensions of Partial Differential Operators
Bent Fuglede, 1960
Extremal Lengths and Closed Extensions of Partial Differential Operators
Bent Fuglede, 1960
La tradizione solare nell'antico Egitto
Bent Parodi, 2005
Megaprojects and Risk: An Anatomy of Ambition
Bent Flyvbjerg, 2003
Megaprojects and Risk: An Anatomy of Ambition
Bent Flyvbjerg; Nils Bruzelius; Werner Rothengatter, 2003
Handbook on Austerity, Populism and the Welfare State
Bent Greve, 2021
Austerity, Retrenchment and the Welfare State: Truth or Fiction?
Bent Greve, 2019
Working Across Modalities in the Arts Therapies: Creative Collaborations
Tasha Colbert, Cornelia Bent, 2017
Bent Street 3: Australian LGBTIQA+ Arts, Writing and Ideas 2019
Tiffany Jones (editor), 2019
Vergeet niet dat je arts bent
Hannah van den Ende, 2015
The Dorset Rotulus: Contextualizing and Reconstructing the Early English Motet
Margaret Bent, Jared C. Hartt, Peter M. Lefferts, 2021
Late Antique Responses to the Arab Conquests
Josephine van den Bent; Floris van den Eijnde; Johan Weststeijn, 2021
Innovation in Social Services: The Public-Private Mix in Service Provision, Fiscal Policy and Employment
Tomas Sirovatka; Bent Greve, 2016
Southern Arabia (Kegan Paul Arabia Library)
Professor J. Theodore. Bent, 2004
Staal, Bent, 1995