نتایج جستجو

Search Engine Advertising: Buying Your Way to the Top to Increase Sales
Kevin Lee, Catherine Seda, 2009
Assessing and Managing the Acutely Ill Adult Surgical Patient
Luke Ewart, Ian Felstead, Carma Harnett, Sandra Huntington, Jane Mclean, Ann Newman, Catherine Plowr, 2007
Chemistry - Inorganic Chemistry
Catherine Housecroft, Alan G. Sharpe, 2004
A Community Health Approach to the Assessment of Infants and their Parents: The CARE Programme
Kevin Browne, Jo Douglas, Catherine Hamilton-Giachritsis, Jean Hegarty, 2006
Access Denied: Race, Ethnicity, and the Scientific Enterprise
George Campbell, Ronni Denes, Catherine Morrison, 2000
Entrepreneurship, Geography, and American Economic Growth
Zoltan J. Acs, Catherine Armington, 2006
Elliptic and Parabolic Problems : A Special Tribute to the Work of Haim Brezis
Catherine Bandle, Henri Berestycki, Bernhard Brighi, Alain Brillard, Michel Chipot, Jean-Michel Coron, Carlo Sbordone, Itai Shafrir, Vanda Valente, Giorgio Vergara Caffarelli, 2005
Elliptic and Parabolic Problems : A Special Tribute to the Work of Haim Brezis
Catherine Bandle, Henri Berestycki, Bernhard Brighi, Alain Brillard, Michel Chipot, Jean-Michel Coron, Carlo Sbordone, Itai Shafrir, Vanda Valente, Giorgio Vergara Caffarelli, 2005
Elliptic and Parabolic Problems: A Special Tribute to the Work of Haim Brezis
Catherine Bandle, Henri Berestycki, Bernhard Brighi, Alain Brillard, Michel Chipot, Jean-Michel Coron, Carlo Sbordone, Itai Shafrir, Vanda Valente, Giorgio Vergara Caffarelli, 2005
Materials and Acoustics Handbook
Michel Bruneau, Catherine Potel, 2009
Holographic and Speckle Interferometry
Robert Jones, Catherine Wykes, 1989
A Toolkit of Motivational Skills: Encouraging and Supporting Change in Individuals
Catherine Fuller, null l, 2008
Diabetic Retinopathy
Catherine B. Meyerle, Emily Y. Chew, Frederick L. Ferris III (auth.), Elia J. Duh MD (eds.), 2008
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: 7th European Conference, ECDL 2003 Trondheim, Norway, August 17-22, 2003 Proceedings
Houssem Assadi, Thomas Beauvisage, Catherine Lupovici, Thierry Cloarec (auth.), Traugott Koch, Ingeborg Torvik Sølvberg (eds.), 2003
Principles of Modeling and Simulation: A Multidisciplinary Approach
John A. Sokolowski, Catherine M. Banks, 2009
Shaping of Arithmetic after C. F. Gauss's Disquisitiones Arithmeticae
Catherine Goldstein, Norbert Schappacher, Joachim Schwermer, 2007
The Shaping of Arithmetic after C.F. Gauss's Disquisitiones Arithmeticae
Catherine Goldstein, Joachim Schwermer, Norbert Schappacher (Editors), 2007
Clinical Handbook of Insomnia
H. P. Attarian MD, M. L. Perlis PhD (auth.), Hrayr P. Attarian, Catherine Schuman (eds.), 2010
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: 6th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Europe, AIME'97 Grenoble, France, March 23–26, 1997 Proceedings
Russell H. Taylor (auth.), Elpida Keravnou, Catherine Garbay, Robert Baud, Jeremy Wyatt (eds.), 1997
Literacy and Motivation: Reading Engagement in individuals and Groups
Ludo Verhoeven, Catherine E. Snow
Handbook of Stem Cells, Two-Volume Set: Volume 1-Embryonic Stem Cells; Volume 2-Adult & Fetal Stem Cells
Robert Lanza, Irving Weissman, James Thomson, Roger Pedersen, Brigid Hogan, John Gearhart, Helen Blau, Douglas Melton, Malcolm Moore, Catherine Verfaillie, E. Donnall Thomas, Michael West, 2004
Handbook of Stem Cells, Two-Volume Set: Volume 1-Embryonic Stem Cells; Volume 2-Adult & Fetal Stem Cells (v. 1)
Robert Lanza, Irving Weissman, James Thomson, Roger Pedersen, Brigid Hogan, John Gearhart, Helen Blau, Douglas Melton, Malcolm Moore, Catherine Verfaillie, E. Donnall Thomas, Michael West, 2004
It Happens Every Spring (The Four Seasons of a Marriage Series #1)
Catherine Palmer, Gary Chapman, 2007