نتایج جستجو

Management for Psychiatrists,
Dinesh Bhugra, 2007
Psychiatry and Religion: Context, Consensus and Controversies
Dinesh Bhugra, 1996
Youth and road safety in Europe, Policy briefing.
Dinesh Sethi, Francesca Racioppi
Dinesh Sethi
Дорожная безопасность для детей и молодежи в Европе, Информация о политике
Dinesh Sethi, Francesca Racioppi и Francesco Mitis
Principles of Computer Systems and Network Management
Dinesh Chandra Verma (auth.), 2009
Handbook for Psychiatric Trainees
Dinesh Bhugra, 2008
Handbook for Psychiatric Trainees
Dinesh Bhugra, 2008
Handbook for Psychiatric Trainees
Dinesh Bhugra, 2008
Injury Prevention and Control
Dinesh Mohan, 2000
Gate Dielectric Integrity: Material, Process, and Tool Qualification (ASTM Special Technical Publication, 1382)
George A. Brown (Editor) Dinesh C. Gupta (Editor), 2000
Progress in preventing injuries in the Who European Region : implementing the WHO Regional Committee for Europe resolution ERR RC55 R9 on prevention of injuries in the WHO European Region and the Recommendation of the Council of the European Union on the prevention of injury and promotion of safety
Dinesh Sethi, Francesca Racioppi, Birte Frerick
Homelessness and Mental Health (Studies in Social and Community Psychiatry)
Dinesh Bhugra, 2007
Homelessness and Mental Health (Studies in Social and Community Psychiatry)
Dinesh Bhugra, 1996
Leadership in Psychiatry
Dinesh Bhugra, 2013
Leadership in Psychiatry
Dinesh Bhugra, 2013
Migration and Mental Health
Dinesh Bhugra, 2011
Migration and Mental Health
Dinesh Bhugra, 2011
Migration and Mental Health
Dinesh Bhugra, 2011
Professionalism in Mental Healthcare: Experts, Expertise and Expectations
Dinesh Bhugra (editor), 2010
Textbook of Cultural Psychiatry
Dinesh Bhugra, 2007