نتایج جستجو

A ascensão de Atenas
Anthony Everitt, 2019
Health and Lifestyle: Separating the Truth from the Myth with Statistics
Brian S. Everitt, 2016
Multivariate analysis for the behavioral sciences
Brian S. Everitt; Kimmo Vehkalahti, 2019
The Non-Existence of God
Nicholas Everitt, 2003
Augustus: the life of Rome's first emperor
Everitt, Anthony, 2007
Medical statistics from A to Z a guide for clinicians and medical students
Brian Everitt, 2021
Making Sense of Statistics in Psychology
Brian Everitt, 1996
Hadrian and the Triumph of Rome
Anthony Everitt, 2010
The Cambridge Dictionary of Statistics
B. S. Everitt, 2002