نتایج جستجو

Computer Games: Workshop on Computer Games, CGW 2013, Held in Conjunction with the 23rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI ... Computer and Information Science, Band 408)
Tristan Cazenave (editor), Mark H.M. Winands (editor), Hiroyuki Iida (editor), 2014
How well do I play chess : test games Open games.
Vsevolod Kostrov; Evgeni Ermenkov, 2007
Making Games in Wood: Games You Can Build Yourself
Katharina Zechlin
The Tao of Cricket: On Games of Destiny and the Destiny of Games
Ashis Nandy, 1989
Math Games Lab for Kids: Fun, Hands-On Activities for Learning with Shapes, Puzzles, and Games
Rebecca Rapoport; J.A. Yoder, 2017
Advanced Do-It-Yourself Java Games: An Introduction to Java Threads and Animated Video Games
Annette Godtland, Paul Godtland (editor), 2016
Video Games as Culture: Considering the Role and Importance of Video Games in Contemporary Society
Daniel Muriel and Garry Crawford, 2018
Feminist War Games? Mechanisms of War, Feminist Values, and Interventional Games
Jon Saklofske, Alyssa Arbuckle, Jon Bath, 2020
Games of History: Games and Gaming as Historical Sources
Apostolos Spanos, 2021
The Most Instructive Games of Chess Ever Played: 62 masterly games of chess strategy
Irving Chernev, 2014
The Most Instructive Games of Chess Ever Played: 62 masterly games of chess strategy
Irving Chernev, 2014
Games of History: Games and Gaming as Historical Sources
Apostolos Spanos, 2021