نتایج جستجو

Encyclopedia of Islam & the Muslim World
Richard C. Martin, Said Amir Arjomand, Marcia Hermansen, Abdulkader Tayob, Rochelle Davis, John Obert Voll, 2003
Encyclopedia of Islam & the Muslim World
Richard C. Martin, Said Amir Arjomand, Marcia Hermansen, Abdulkader Tayob, Rochelle Davis, John Obert Voll, 2003
From Nationalism to Revolutionary Islam
Said Amir Arjomand (eds.), 1984
The Turban for the Crown: The Islamic Revolution in Iran (Studies in Middle Eastern History)
Said Amir Arjomand, 1989
Advances in Conceptual Modeling – Foundations and Applications: ER 2007 Workshops CMLSA, FP-UML, ONISW, QoIS, RIGiM,SeCoGIS, Auckland, New Zealand, November 5-9, 2007. Proceedings
Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen, Sven Hartmann (auth.), Jean-Luc Hainaut, Elke A. Rundensteiner, Markus Kirchberg, Michela Bertolotto, Mathias Brochhausen, Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen, Samira Si-Saïd Cherfi, Martin Doerr, Hyoil Han, Sven Hartmann, Jeffrey Parsons, Geert Poels, Colette Rolland, Juan Trujillo, Eric Yu, Esteban Zimányie (eds.), 2007
Advances in Conceptual Modeling – Foundations and Applications: ER 2007 Workshops CMLSA, FP-UML, ONISW, QoIS, RIGiM,SeCoGIS, Auckland, New Zealand, November 5-9, 2007. Proceedings
Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen, Sven Hartmann (auth.), Jean-Luc Hainaut, Elke A. Rundensteiner, Markus Kirchberg, Michela Bertolotto, Mathias Brochhausen, Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen, Samira Si-Saïd Cherfi, Martin Doerr, Hyoil Han, Sven Hartmann, Jeffrey Parsons, Geert Poels, Colette Rolland, Juan Trujillo, Eric Yu, Esteban Zimányie (eds.), 2007
Advances in Conceptual Modeling - Theory and Practice: ER 2006 Workshops BP-UML, CoMoGIS, COSS, ECDM, OIS, QoIS, SemWAT, Tucson, AZ, USA, November 6-9, 2006. Proceedings
Dirk Draheim, Gerald Weber (auth.), John F. Roddick, V. Richard Benjamins, Samira Si-said Cherfi, Roger Chiang, Christophe Claramunt, Ramez A. Elmasri, Fabio Grandi, Hyoil Han, Martin Hepp, Miltiadis D. Lytras, Vojislav B. Mišić, Geert Poels, Il-Yeol Song, Juan Trujillo, Christelle Vangenot (eds.), 2006
Access 2000 Kompendium
Said Baloui, 2000
1,911 Best Things Anybody Ever Said
Robert Byrne, 1988
Advances in Conceptual Modeling - Theory and Practice: ER 2006 Workshops BP-UML, CoMoGIS, COSS, ECDM, OIS, QoIS, SemWAT, Tucson, AZ, USA, November 6-9, 2006. Proceedings
Dirk Draheim, Gerald Weber (auth.), John F. Roddick, V. Richard Benjamins, Samira Si-said Cherfi, Roger Chiang, Christophe Claramunt, Ramez A. Elmasri, Fabio Grandi, Hyoil Han, Martin Hepp, Miltiadis D. Lytras, Vojislav B. Mišić, Geert Poels, Il-Yeol Song, Juan Trujillo, Christelle Vangenot (eds.), 2006
Edward Said: The Charisma of Criticism
H. Aram Veeser, 2010
Edward Said and the Post-Colonial
Bill Ashcroft, Hussein Kadhim, 2002
Edward Said and the Post-Colonial
Bill Ashcroft, Hussein Kadhim, 2002
Edward Said and the Post-Colonial
Bill Ashcroft, Hussein Kadhim, 2002
Edward Said and the post-colonial
Bill Ashcroft, Hussein Kadhim, 2001
Edward Said and Jacques Derrida: Reconstellating Humanism and the Global Hybrid
Mina Karavanta and Nina Morgan, 2008
Operative Dictations in Orthopedic Surgery
Stuart L. Weinstein M.D. (auth.), Said Saghieh, Stuart L Weinstein, Jamal J. Hoballah (eds.), 2013
When Skateboards Will Be Free: A Memoir of a Political Childhood
Said Sayrafiezadeh, 2009
Revolt, She Said
Julia Kristeva, 2002
Journal on Data Semantics IX
Fausto Giunchiglia, Mikalai Yatskevich, Pavel Shvaiko (auth.), Stefano Spaccapietra, Paolo Atzeni, François Fages, Mohand-Saïd Hacid, Michael Kifer, John Mylopoulos, Barbara Pernici, Pavel Shvaiko, Juan Trujillo, Ilya Zaihrayeu (eds.), 2007
Journal on Data Semantics IX
Fausto Giunchiglia, Mikalai Yatskevich, Pavel Shvaiko (auth.), Stefano Spaccapietra, Paolo Atzeni, François Fages, Mohand-Saïd Hacid, Michael Kifer, John Mylopoulos, Barbara Pernici, Pavel Shvaiko, Juan Trujillo, Ilya Zaihrayeu (eds.), 2007