نتایج جستجو

Advertising and Public Relations (Ferguson Career Launcher)
Stan Tymorek, 2010
Concise encyclopedia of robotics
Stan Gibilisco, 2002
Concise Encyclopedia of Robotics
Stan Gibilisco, 2002
Scroll Saw Toys And Vehicles
Stan Graves, 2002
Critical Musicological Reflections: Essays in Honour of Derek B. Scott
Stan Hawkins (ed.), 2012
An Introduction to Computational Biochemistry
C. Stan Tsai(auth.), 2002
Biomacromolecules. Intro to Structure, Function and Informatics
C. Stan Tsai, 2006
Stan Armington [Planet, Lonely], 2010
Electricity Demystified
Stan Gibilisco, 2005
Advances in Biometric Person Authentication: International Wokshop on Biometric Recognition Systems, IWBRS 2005, Beijing, China, October 22-23, 2005. Proceedings
Matti Pietikäinen, Abdenour Hadid (auth.), Stan Z. Li, Zhenan Sun, Tieniu Tan, Sharath Pankanti, Gérard Chollet, David Zhang (eds.), 2005
Advances in Biometrics: International Conference, ICB 2007, Seoul, Korea, August 27-29, 2007. Proceedings
Frank Lin, Clinton Fookes, Vinod Chandran, Sridha Sridharan (auth.), Seong-Whan Lee, Stan Z. Li (eds.), 2007
More Puzzles, Paradoxes, and Brain Teasers
Stan Gibilisco, 1990
Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and Stan
Richard McElreath, 2015
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 14th Biennial Conference of the Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence, AI 2001 Ottawa, Canada, June 7–9, 2001 Proceedings
Aijun An, Nick Cercone, Xiangji Huang (auth.), Eleni Stroulia, Stan Matwin (eds.), 2001
J2EE Open Source Toolkit: Building an Enterprise Platform with Open Source Tools (Java Open Source Library)
John T. Bell, James Lambros, Stan Ng, 2003
Cutting-Edge Direct 3D Programming
Stan Trujillo, 1996
Backup and Restore Practices for Sun Enterprise Servers
Stan Stringfellow, Miroslav Klivansky, Michael Barto, 2000
Astronomy Demystified
Stan Gibilisco, 2003
Advances in Biometric Person Authentication: International Wokshop on Biometric Recognition Systems, IWBRS 2005, Beijing, China, October 22-23, 2005. Proceedings
Matti Pietikäinen, Abdenour Hadid (auth.), Stan Z. Li, Zhenan Sun, Tieniu Tan, Sharath Pankanti, Gérard Chollet, David Zhang (eds.), 2005
Stan Rogal, 2000
The Long Drive Home
Stan Rogal, 2000
LANSCE Activity Report
Amy Robinson; Audrey Archuleta; Barbara Maes; Dan Strottman; Earl Hoffman; Garth Tietjen; Gene Farnum; Geoff Greene; Joyce Roberts; Ken Johnson; Paul Lewis; Roger Pynn; Stan Schriber; Steve Sterbenz; Steve Wender; Sue Harper, 1999
Algebra Know-It-All (Know It All)
Stan Gibilisco, 2008
Algebra Know-It-ALL: Beginner to Advanced, and Everything in Between
Stan Gibilisco, 2008