نتایج جستجو

Cultural Turns/Geographical Turns: Perspectives on Cultural Geography
Simon Naylor (editor), James Ryan (editor), Ian Cook (editor), David Crouch (editor), 2000
Moyamoya Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment
John E. Wanebo (editor), Nadia Khan (editor), Joseph M. Zabramski (editor), Robert F. Spetzler (editor), 2013
Companion to African Philosophy
Kwasi Wiredu (editor), William E. Abraham (editor), Abiola Irele (editor), Ifeanyi A. Menkiti (editor), 2003
Fine-Tuning in the Physical Universe
Roger L. Davies (editor); Rafael Alves Batista (editor); David Sloan (editor); Michael Townsen Hicks (editor), 2020
Democracy and Brazil: Collapse and Regression
Bernardo Bianchi (editor), Jorge Chaloub (editor), Patricia Rangel (editor), Frieder Otto Wolf (editor), 2020
Solution Focused Practice Around the World
Kirsten Dierolf (editor), Debbie Hogan (editor), Svea van der Hoorn (editor), Sukanya Wignaraja (editor), 2020
Controversies and Interdisciplinarity: Beyond Disciplinary Fragmentation for a New Knowledge Model
Jens Allwood (editor), Olga Pombo (editor), Clara Renna (editor), Giovanni Scarafile (editor), 2020
The Archaeology of Afghanistan: From Earliest Times to the Timurid Period
Raymond Allchin (editor), Norman Hammond (editor), Warwick Ball (editor), Norman Hammond (editor), 2019
Looking for a Challenge 2: Problems from the Polish Collegiate Programming Contest 2011–2014
Krzysztof Diks (editor), Tomasz Idziaszek (editor), Jakub Łącki (editor), Jakub Radoszewski (editor), 2019
Spagna e Italia in età moderna. Storiografie a confronto
Francisco Chacón (editor), Maria Antonietta Visceglia (editor), Giovanni Murgia (editor), Gianfranco Tore (editor), 2010
Tecnologie del sé. Un seminario con Michel Foucault
Michel Foucault, Luther H. Martin (editor), Huck Gutman (editor), Patrick H. Hutton (editor), Saverio Marchignoli (editor), 1992
Digital Lives in the Global City: Contesting Infrastructures
Deborah Cowen (editor), Alexis Mitchell (editor), Emily Paradis (editor), Brett Story (editor), 2020
The Shock of the Global: The 1970s in Perspective
Niall Ferguson (editor), Charles S. Maier (editor), Erez Manela (editor), Daniel J. Sargent (editor), 2010
Why the World Needs Anthropologists
Dan Podjed (editor), Meta Gorup (editor), Pavel Borecký (editor), Carla Guerrón Montero (editor), 2020
The Routledge Handbook of Memory and Place
Sarah De Nardi (editor), Hilary Orange (editor), Steven High (editor), Eerika Koskinen-Koivisto (editor), 2019
The Routledge Handbook of the Political Economy of Science
David Tyfield (editor), Rebecca Lave (editor), Samuel Randalls (editor), Charles Thorpe (editor), 2017
Urbanizing nature : actors and agency (dis)connecting cities and nature since 1500
Tim Soens (editor); Dieter Schott (editor); Michael Toyka-Seid (editor); Bert De Munck (editor), 2019
Routledge Handbook of Ecosystem Services
Marion Potschin (editor), Roy Haines-Young (editor), Robert Fish (editor), R. Kerry Turner (editor), 2016
The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Ritual
Risto Uro (editor), Juliette J. Day (editor), Richard E. DeMaris (editor), Rikard Roitto (editor), 2018
Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorders
Vikas R. Dharnidharka (editor), Michael Green (editor), Steven A. Webber (editor), Ralf Ulrich Trappe (editor), 2021
Laboratory Astrochemistry: From Molecules through Nanoparticles to Grains
Stephan Schlemmer (editor); Thomas Giesen (editor); Harald Mutschke (editor); Cornelia Jäger (editor), 2015
Application of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis in Environmental and Civil Engineering
Dilber Uzun Ozsahin (editor), Hüseyin Gökçekuş (editor), Berna Uzun (editor), James LaMoreaux (editor), 2021
Oxford Handbook of Medical Sciences
Robert Wilkins (editor), Simon Cross (editor), Ian Megson (editor), David Meredith (editor), 2011
Nature-Inspired Optimization Algorithms: Recent Advances in Natural Computing and Biomedical Applications
Aditya Khamparia (editor), Ashish Khanna (editor), Nhu Gia Nguyen (editor), Bao Le Nguyen (editor), 2021