نتایج جستجو

English Pronunciation for Brazilians. The Sounds of American English (Em Portuguese do Brasil)
Sonia M. Baccari Godoy, 2006
Mysteries of English Grammar: A Guide to Complexities of the English Language
Andreea S. Calude, Laurie Bauer, 2021
Macmillan English Dictionary (for Advanced Learners of American English)
Michael Rundell; Gwyneth Fox, 2004
Russian English Comprehensive Dictionary (English and Russian Edition)
Oleg P. Benyukh (editor), 1997
English-Arabic Arabic-English Concise Romanized Dictionary For the Spoken Arabic of Egypt and Syria
The Editors of Hippocrene Books, 1999
Critical Stylistics: The Power of English (Perspectives on the English Language)
Lesley Jeffries, 2009
A Short Acholi-English and English-Acholi Vocabulary
G. A. R. Savage
Onondaga-English / English-Onondaga Dictionary
Hanni Woodbury, 2003
Reading English Verse in Manuscript c.1350-c.1500 (Oxford English Monographs)
Daniel Sawyer, 2020
Making World English: Literature, Late Empire, and English Language Teaching, 1919-39
Michael G. Malouf, 2022
Greek-English English-Greek Dictionary
Year 11 English Western Australia: For the ATAR English Course
Adam Kealley, 2021
Ultimate Guide to Ceramic & Stone Tile: Select, Install, Maintain (Home Improvement) (English and English Edition)
Editors of Creative Homeowner, Home Improvement, How-To, 2006
Arabic Military Dictionary: English-Arabic, Arabic-English
Ernest Kay (editor), 2016
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский авиационный словарь: Great english-russian and russian-english aviation dictionary : свыше 100 000 терминов, сочетаний, эквивалентов и значений, с транскрипцией
Е. Н. Девнина ; под ред. И. И. Павловца ; Московский авиационный ин-т (гос. технический ун-т) (МАИ), 2011
Webster's English Spanish Dictionary—Spanish/English Words in Alphabetical Order With Translations, Parts of Speech, Pronunciation, Definitions
American Education Publishing, 2000