نتایج جستجو

Tales from Spectrum 2019
Apoorra Mandavilli; Kristin Ozelli; Rebecca Horne; Hope Vanderberg; Claire Cameron; Ashfia Alam; Ingrid Wickelgren; Ceri Perkins; Jessica Wright; Nicholette Zeliadt; Hannah Furfaro, 2019
The Political Economy of Conflict and Violence Against Women: Cases from the South
Kumudini Samuel; Claire Slatter; Vagisha Gunasekara, 2019
The Political Economy of Conflict and Violence Against Women: Towards Feminist Framings From the South
Kumudini Samuel; Claire Slatter; Vagisha Gunasekara, 2019
Luxemburger Familiennamenbuch
Christian Kollmann, Peter Gilles, Claire Muller, 2016
Atlas de la Grèce classique : Vᵉ-IVᵉ siècle av. J.-C., l’âge d’or d’une civilisation fondatrice
Nicolas Richer, Claire Levasseur, 2017
Heresy, Crusade and Inquisition in Medieval Quercy
Claire Taylor, 2011
Crafting Trade and Investment Accords for Sustainable Development: Athena's Treaties
Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger, 2021
Removable prosthodontics at a glance
James Field; Claire Storey, 2020
Social Work Practice with LGBTQIA Populations: An Interactional Perspective
Claire L. Dente, 2018
World Heritage Conservation: The World Heritage Convention, Linking Culture and Nature for Sustainable Development
Claire Cave, Elene Negussie, 2017
Law and Government Under the Tudors: Essays Presented to Sir Geoffrey Elton
Claire Cross; David Loades; J.J. Scarisbrick, 2010
Having Your Say: Threats to Free Speech in the 21st Century
J. R. Shackleton; David S. Oderberg; Philip Booth; Nick Cowen; Stephen Davies; Claire Fox; Dennis Hayes; Victoria Hewson; Leo Kearse; Jacob Mchangama, 2021
Kennewick Man: Perspectives on the Ancient One
Heather Burke, Claire E Smith, Dorothy Lippert, Joe E Watkins, Larry J Zimmerman, 2008
Financial Accounting
John Hoggett; John Medlin; Keryn Chalmers; Claire Beattie; Andreas Hellmann; Jodie Maxfield, 2017
Small Spaces: Inspiration for Stylish Living: Marie Claire Maison
Hilary Mandleberg, 2008
Public Commissions on Cultural and Religious Diversity: National Narratives, Multiple Identities and Minorities
Katayoun Alidadi, Marie-Claire Foblets, 2018
Prison Writing and the Literary World: Imprisonment, Institutionality and Questions of Literary Practice
Michelle Kelly, Claire Westall, 2020
Kenntnisse - An Advanced German Course Student's Book
Claire Burke, Edmund Burke and Susanne Parker, 1999
Reframing the Renaissance: Visual Culture in Europe and Latin America, 1450-1650
Claire Farago (editor), 1995
Sun Yat-Sen
Marie-Claire Bergère; Janet Lloyd, 1998
English G 21. Ausgabe A 6. Abschlussband 6-jährige Sekundarstufe I. Schülerbuch: 10. Schuljahr
Angelika Thiele, James N. Pankhurst, Claire Lamsdale, Laurence Harger, Susan Abbey, 2011
Indie Reframed: Women’s Filmmaking and Contemporary American Independent Cinema
Linda Badley (editor), Claire Perkins (editor), Michele Schreiber (editor), 2016
American Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers
Claire L. Datnow, 1999