نتایج جستجو

Language in Development: A Crosslinguistic Perspective
Gita Martohardjono, Suzanne Flynn, 2021
Language in Development: A Crosslinguistic Perspective
Gita Martohardjono, Suzanne Flynn, 2021
Becoming a Leader in Product Development: An Evidence-Based Guide to the Essentials
Ebenezer C. Ikonne, 2021
Land and Loyalty: Security and the Development of Property Rights in Thailand
Tomas Larsson, 2012
China's Struggle for Naval Development, 1839-1895
John L. Rawlinson, 1967
Android Apprentice (Second Edition): Beginning Android Development with Kotlin
raywenderlich Tutorial Team, Namrata Bandekar, Darryl Bayliss, Tom Blankenship, Fuad Kamal, 2019
Problems in the origins and development of the English language
John Algeo, 2008
Introduction to Website Design and Development
Dean Grey, 2021
The Fading of the Maoist Vision: City and Country in China's Development
Rhoads Murphey, 2005
Web Development with Clojure: Build Large, Maintainable Web Applications Interactively
Dmitri Sotnikov, Scot Brown, 2021
Practical Cloud-Native Java Development with MicroProfile: Develop and deploy scalable, resilient, and reactive cloud-native applications using MicroProfile 4.1
Emily Jiang, Andrew McCright, John Alcorn, David Chan, Alasdair Nottingham, 2021
Practical Cloud-Native Java Development with MicroProfile: Develop and deploy scalable, resilient, and reactive cloud-native applications using MicroProfile 4.1
Emily Jiang, Andrew McCright, John Alcorn, David Chan, Alasdair Nottingham, 2021
Economic Growth and Financial Development: Effects of Capital Flight in Emerging Economies
Muhammad Shahbaz (editor), Alaa Soliman (editor), Subhan Ullah (editor), 2021
El uso de categorías étnico/raciales en censos y encuestas en el Perú: balance y aportes para una discusión.
GRADE Group for the Analysis of Development (editor), 2011
Impacto económico de la anemia en el Perú.
GRADE Group for the Analysis of Development (editor), 2012
Retos de desarrollo del Perú : 2012-2016
Omar Zambrano; Isabel Beltrán; Inter-American Development Bank., 2012
El uso de categorías étnico/raciales en censos y encuestas en el Perú: balance y aportes para una discusión.
GRADE Group for the Analysis of Development (editor), 2011
Beyond development : alternative visions from Latin America
Miriam Lang; Lydia Fernando; Nick Buxton; Imre Szűcs; Grupo Permanente de Trabajo sobre Alternativas al Desarrollo., 2013