نتایج جستجو

Algebraic Geometry — Open Problems: Proceedings of the Conference Held in Ravello, May 31 – June 5, 1982
E. Ballico, Ph. Ellia (auth.), Ciro Ciliberto, Franco Ghione, Ferruccio Orecchia (eds.), 1983
Aircraft Wake Turbulence and Its Detection: Proceedings of a Symposium on Aircraft Wake Turbulence held in Seattle, Washington, September 1–3, 1970. Sponsored jointly by the Flight Sciences Laboratory, Boeing Scientific Research Laboratories and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research
W. L. Shields (auth.), John H. Olsen, Arnold Goldburg, Milton Rogers (eds.), 1971
Computer Applications for Web, Human Computer Interaction, Signal and Image Processing, and Pattern Recognition: International Conferences, SIP, WSE, and ICHCI 2012, Held in Conjunction with GST 2012, Jeju Island, Korea, November 28-December 2, 2012. Proceedings
Aun Irtaza, Arfan Jaffar, Tae-Sun Choi (auth.), Tai-hoon Kim, Sabah Mohammed, Carlos Ramos, Jemal Abawajy, Byeong-Ho Kang, Dominik Ślęzak (eds.), 2012
Modelling of Corroding Concrete Structures: Proceedings of the Joint fib-RILEM Workshop held in Madrid, Spain, 22–23 November 2010
Luca Giordano, Giuseppe Mancini (auth.), Carmen Andrade, Giuseppe Mancini (eds.), 2011
Abelian Group Theory: Proceedings of the 2nd New Mexico State University Conference, Held at Las Cruces, New Mexico, December 9–12, 1976
Robert B. Warfield Jr. (auth.), David M. Arnold, Roger H. Hunter, Elbert A. Walker (eds.), 1977
Abelian Group Theory: Proceedings of the Conference held at the University of Hawaii, Honolulu, USA December 28, 1982 – January 4, 1983
Rüdiger Göbel, Lee Lady, Adolf Mader (eds.), 1983
Abelian Group Theory: Proceedings of the Conference held at the University of Hawaii, Honolulu, USA December 28, 1982 – January 4, 1983
Rüdiger Göbel, Lee Lady, Adolf Mader (eds.), 1983
Abelian Group Theory: Proceedings of the Conference held at the University of Hawaii, Honolulu, USA December 28, 1982 – January 4, 1983
Rüdiger Göbel, Lee Lady, Adolf Mader (eds.), 1983
Abelian Group Theory: Proceedings of the Conference held at the University of Hawaii, Honolulu, USA, December 28, 1982 – January 4, 1983
E. L. Lady (auth.), Rüdiger Göbel, Lee Lady, Adolf Mader (eds.), 1983
Interpolation Spaces and Allied Topics in Analysis: Proceedings of the Conference held in Lund, Sweden, August 29 – September 1, 1983
Jaak Peetre (auth.), Michael Cwikel, Jaak Peetre (eds.), 1984
Adaptive RF Front-Ends for Hand-held Applications
Andre van Bezooijen, Reza Mahmoudi, Arthur van Roermund (auth.), 2011
Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics: 7th International Conference, EPCE 2007, Held as Part of HCI International 2007, Beijing, China, July 22-27, 2007. Proceedings
Amardeep Aujla, Neville A. Stanton, Daniel P. Jenkins, Paul M. Salmon, Guy H. Walker (auth.), Don Harris (eds.), 2007
Physics of the Magnetosphere: Based upon the Proceedings of the Conference Held at Boston College June 19–28, 1967
E. N. Parker (auth.), Robert L. Carovillano, John F. McClay, Henry R. Radoski (eds.), 1968
Coronary Care Units: Proceedings of a European Seminar held in Pisa, Italy
D. Julian, R. Bernard, N. M. Van Hemel, B. Van Zoelen, C. A. Swenne (auth.), Attilio Maseri MD, Carlo Marchesi, Sergio Chierchia MD, Maria Giovanna Trivella MD (eds.), 1981
Mathematical Aspects of Finite Element Methods: Proceedings of the Conference Held in Rome, December 10–12, 1975
I. Babuška, W. C. Rheinboldt (auth.), Ilio Galligani, Enrico Magenes (eds.), 1977
Mathematical Aspects of Finite Element Methods: Proceedings of the Conference Held in Rome, December 10–12, 1975
I. Babuška, W. C. Rheinboldt (auth.), Ilio Galligani, Enrico Magenes (eds.), 1977
Singularities and Constructive Methods for Their Treatment: Proceedings of the Conference held in Oberwolfach, West Germany, November 20–26, 1983
I. Babuška, J. E. Osborn (auth.), Pierre Grisvard, Wolfgang L. Wendland, John R. Whiteman (eds.), 1985
Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures: 7th International Conference, FOSSACS 2004, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2004, Barcelona, Spain, March 29 – April 2, 2004. Proceedings
Hubert Comon-Lundh (auth.), Igor Walukiewicz (eds.), 2004
Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures: 7th International Conference, FOSSACS 2004, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2004, Barcelona, Spain, March 29 – April 2, 2004. Proceedings
Hubert Comon-Lundh (auth.), Igor Walukiewicz (eds.), 2004
Calculus of variations and nonlinear partial differential equations: lectures given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School held in Cetraro, Italy, June 27-July 2, 2005
Luigi Ambrosio, Luis A. Caffarelli, Michael G. Crandall, Lawrence C. Evans, Nicola Fusco, B. Dacorogna, Paolo Marcellini, E. Mascolo, 2008
Abdominal Imaging. Computational and Clinical Applications: 4th International Workshop, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2012, Nice, France, October 1, 2012. Proceedings
Thomas E. Hampshire, Holger R. Roth, Darren J. Boone, Greg Slabaugh, Steve Halligan (auth.), Hiroyuki Yoshida, David Hawkes, Michael W. Vannier (eds.), 2012
Eruptive Solar Flares: Proceedings of Colloquium No. 133 of the International Astronomical Union Held at Iguazú, Argentina, 2–6 August 1991
Z. à vestka, E. W. Cliver (auth.), Zdeněk à vestka, Bernard V. Jackson, Marcos E. Machado (eds.), 1992
Flare Physics in Solar Activity Maximum 22: Proceedings of the International SOLAR-A Science Meeting Held at Tokyo, Japan, 23–26 October 1990
Y. Uchida (auth.), Yutaka Uchida, Richard C. Canfield, Tetsuya Watanabe, Eijiro Hiei (eds.), 1991