نتایج جستجو

Diagnostische Sicherheit der Echokardiographie
E. Grube (auth.), Prof. Dr. J. M. Curtius (eds.), 1990
Projektmanagement im Energiebereich
Prof. Dr. Georg Erdmann (auth.), Carsten Lau, André Dechange, Tina Flegel (eds.), 2013
Spezialgebiete der Kostenrechnung: Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung im Handel Standardsoftwaresysteme
Prof. Dr. Bruno Tietz (auth.), H. Jacob (eds.), 1978
Digital Business in Banken: Informationstechnologie — Erfolgsfaktor für die strategische Positionierung
Heinz Wings (auth.), Prof. Dr. Dieter Bartmann (eds.), 1999
Controlling-Praxis erfolgreicher Unternehmen: Von den Besten lernen
Andreas R. Borszcz (auth.), Dipl.-Kfm. Andreas R. Borszcz, Prof. Dr. Sven Piechota (eds.), 1998
Carotenoids: Handbook
Dr. George Britton, Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Synnøve Liaaen-Jensen (auth.), Dr. George Britton, Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Synnøve Liaaen-Jensen, Prof. Dr. Hanspeter Pfander (eds.), 2004
Genetic improvement of tomato
G. Kalloo (auth.), Prof. Dr. G. Kalloo (eds.), 1991
Pseudodifferential Operators with Applications
A. Dynin (auth.), Prof. A. Avantaggiati (eds.), 2011
Geometric Measure Theory and Minimal Surfaces
W. K. Allard (auth.), Prof. E. Bombieri (eds.), 2011
Potential Theory
Marcel Brelot (auth.), Prof. M. Brelot (eds.), 2011
Model Theory and Applications
Gerald E. Sacks (auth.), Prof. P. Mangani (eds.), 2011
Differential Operators on Manifolds
M. F. Atiyah (auth.), Prof. E. Vesenttni (eds.), 2011
Aspects of Mathematical Logic
H. Hermes (auth.), Prof. E. Casari (eds.), 2011
The Martians
Kim Stanley Robinson, 2000
Adaptive image processing: A computational intelligence perspective
Kim-Hui Yap, Ling Guan, Stuart William Perry, Hau San Wong, 2009
Brs Pharmacology (Board Review)
Sandra L., M.D. Kim Todd, A., M.D. Swanson, 2004
Aliens in Medieval Law: The Origins of Modern Citizenship
Keechang Kim, 2001
!nnovation: How Innovators Think, Act and Change Our World
Kim Chandler McDonald, 2013
!nnovation: How Innovators Think, Act and Change Our World
Kim Chandler McDonald, 2013
Accelerating MATLAB with GPU Computing A Primer with Examples
Jung W. Suh, Youngmin Kim, 2013
Accelerating MATLAB with GPU Computing: A Primer with Examples
Jung W. Suh, Youngmin Kim, 2013
Accelerating Matlab with GPUs. A Primer with Examples
Jung Suh and Youngmin Kim (Auth.), 2013
Advances in Nanotechnology and the Environment
Juyoung Kim, 2011
Game Theory Applications in Network Design
Sungwook Kim, 2014