نتایج جستجو

四帝世紀 : 孫逸仙・蔣介石・毛澤東・鄧小平, 翻轉近現代中國政治的關鍵人物 /Si di shi ji : Sun Yixian, Jiang Jieshi, Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, fan zhuan jin xian dai Zhongguo zheng zhi de guan jian ren wu
Chiang, Kai-shek; Deng, Xiaoping; Kauffer, Rémi; Lin, Shuying; Mao, Zedong; Sun, Yat-sen, 2019
吳作棟傳(1941-1990) : 新加坡的政壇傳奇 = Tall order : the Goh Chok Tong story /Wu zuo dong chuan(1941-1990) : xin jia po de zheng tan chuan qi = Tall order : the Goh Chok Tong story
Bai, Shenghui; Lin, Wanfei; Wu, Zuodong, 2019
Secret to Startup Failure: Fail Fast. Fail Cheap. Fail Happy.
Sonia Lin, 2014
地下寫作和秘密閱讀Di xia xie zuo he mi mi yue du
Lin, Xianzhi 林贤治, 2019
巴金 : 浮沉一百年 /Ba Jin : fu chen yi bai nian
Ba, Jin; Lin, Xianzhi 巴金 林贤治, 2018
PET and PET/CT : a clinical guide
Eugene Lin (editor); Abass Alavi (editor), 2019
Pathwise Estimation and Inference for Diffusion Market Models
Nikolai Dokuchaev, Lin Yee Hin, 2019
[美] Calvin Lin; [美] Lawrence Snyder, 2009
Divested: Inequality in the Age of Finance
Ken-Hou Lin, Megan Tobias Neely, 2020
The Political Economy of the Han Dynasty and Its Legacy
Cheng Lin (editor), Terry Peach (editor), Wang Fang (editor), 2019
Advanced Functional Materials from Nanopolysaccharides
Ning Lin; Juntao Tang; Alain Dufresne; Michael K.C. Tam, 2019
Born A Healer: I Was Born a Healer. You Were Born a Healer, Too!
Chunyi Lin, Gary Rebstock, 2003
Taiwanese Grammar: A Concise Reference
Philip T. Lin, 2015
Taiwanese Grammar: A Concise Reference (Tailo pinyin version)
Philip T. Lin, 2015
Being and Reason: An Essay on Spinoza's Metaphysics
Martin Lin, 2019
The Vitality of the Lyric Voice: Shih Poetry from the Late Han to the T'ang
Shuen-fu Lin, Stephen Owen, 1987
Miraculous Retribution: A Study and Translation of Tang Lin's Ming-Pao Chi
Donald E. Gjertson, 1989
The Tragedy Of Lin Biao: Riding The Tiger During The Cultural Revolution, 1966-1971
Frederick C. Teiwes; Warren Sun, 1996
Perceptual Learning: How Experience Shapes Visual Perception
Barbara Dosher, Zhong-Lin Lu, 2020
Lecture Notes on Functional Analysis, Vol. 1
Zhang Gong Qing, Lin Yuan Qu, 1987
The Cross-Cultural Legacy of Lin Yutang: Critical Perspectives
Qian Suoqiao, 2015
Hydraulics of Levee Overtopping
Yi Pan, Lin Li, Farshad Amini, Bora Cetin, Saiyu Yuan, 2020
Intangible Asset Gap in Global Competitiveness: Mapping and Responding to the New Economy
Eskil Ullberg, Leif Edvinsson, Carol Yeh-Yun Lin, 2021
Spatial Synthesis: Computational Social Science and Humanities
Xinyue Ye, Hui Lin, 2021