نتایج جستجو

Brill’s Companion to Greek and Latin Epyllion and Its Reception
Manuel Baumbach, Silvio Bar, 2012
Epistolary Narratives in Ancient Greek Literature
Owen Hodkinson, Patricia A. Rosenmeyer, Evelien Bracke, 2013
Aidos: The Psychology and Ethics of Honour and Shame in Ancient Greek Literature
Douglas L. Cairns, 1993
Ancient Epistolary Fictions: The Letter in Greek Literature
Patricia A. Rosenmeyer, 2001
Beyond Greek: The Beginnings of Latin Literature
Denis Feeney, 2016
Brill's Companion to Ancient Greek Scholarship
Franco Montanari, Stefanos Matthaios, Antonios Rengakos, 2015
Dangerous Voices: Women's Laments and Greek Literature
Gail Holst-Warhaft, 1992
Solon and Early Greek Poetry: The Politics of Exhortation
Elizabeth Irwin, 2005
A Grammatical Analysis of the Greek New Testament: Unabridged
Max Zerwick, Mary Grosvenor, 1996
Aristotle's Politics Today (S U N Y Series in Ancient Greek Philosophy)
Lenn E. Goodman, Robert B. Talisse, 2007
A History Of Greek Philosophy
Zeller, 1881
A History Of Greek Philosophy
Zeller, 1881
A History of Greek Philosophy, Volume 3, Part 1: The Sophists
W. K. C. Guthrie, 1977
A History of Greek Philosophy, Volume 4: Plato, the Man and His Dialogues: Earlier Period
W. K. C. Guthrie, 1975
A History of Greek Philosophy, Volume 5: The Later Plato and the Academy
W. K. C. Guthrie, 1978
Action Philosophers! 07 - Its all Greek to You! - October 2006
Evil Twin Comics, 2006
Brill's Companion to Ancient Geography: The Inhabited World in Greek and Roman Tradition
Serena Bianchetti, Michele Cataudella, Hans-Joachim Gehrke (eds.), 2015
Geography, Topography, Landscape: Configurations of Space in Greek and Roman Epic
Marios Skempis, Ioannis Ziogas, 2014
Gods, Heroes and Tyrants: Greek Chronology in Chaos
Emmet Sweeney, 2009
Greek Lamps and Their Survivals (Athenian Agora vol. 4)
Richard H. Howland, 1958
A Bibliography of Greek New Testament Manuscripts
James Keith Elliott, 2015