نتایج جستجو

The 4 hour body
Alexander Cooper
Computational Contact Mechanics: Geometrically Exact Theory for Arbitrary Shaped Bodies
Alexander Konyukhov, 2013
Handbook of machine vision
Alexander Hornberg, 2006
Handbook of Machine Vision
Alexander Hornberg, 2006
China and Taiwan in Central America: Engaging Foreign Publics in Diplomacy
Colin R. Alexander (auth.), 2014
Hierarchical nonlinear switching control design with applications to propulsion systems
Alexander Leonessa, 2000
Hierarchical nonlinear switching control design with applications to propulsion systems
Alexander Leonessa, 2000
Health Financing for Poor People: Resource Mobilization and Risk Sharing
Alexander S. Preker, 2004
Anglo-French Defence Relations Between the Wars
Martin S. Alexander, 2003
Business model generation : a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers
Alexander Osterwalder, 2010
Citric Acid
Alexander Apelblat (auth.), 2014
Modern Problems of Structural Stability
Alexander P. Seyranian, 2002
Beam Theory for Subsea Pipelines: Analysis and Practical Applications
Alexander N. Papusha, 2015
4PL-Providing™ als strategische Option für Kontraktlogistikdienstleister: Eine konzeptionell-empirische Betrachtung
Alexander Schmitt (auth.), 2006
Iconic Power: Materiality and Meaning in Social Life
Jeffrey C. Alexander (Ed.), 2011
Iconic Power: Materiality and Meaning in Social Life
Jeffrey C. Alexander, 2012
Interpreting Clifford Geertz: Cultural Investigation in the Social Sciences
Jeffrey C. Alexander (Ed.), 2011
Interpreting Clifford Geertz: Cultural Investigation in the Social Sciences
Jeffrey C. Alexander (Ed.), 2011
Interpreting Clifford Geertz: Cultural Investigation in the Social Sciences
Jeffrey C. Alexander, 2011
Algorithms and Programming: Problems and Solutions
Alexander Shen (auth.), 2010