نتایج جستجو

Clio's Southern Sisters: Interviews with Leaders of the Southern Association for Women Historians
Constance B. Schulz, 2004
Monopoly and Competition and their Regulation: Papers and Proceedings of a Conference held by the International Economic Association
Edward H. Chamberlin (eds.), 1954
Web-based Education: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications
Information Resources Management Association, 2010
Construction and Real Estate Dynamics (Applied Econometrics Association)
Philippe Thalmann, 2003
Mining Fuzzy Association Rules in a Bank-Account Database
Au W.-H., 2003
Installation of Polyethylene Pipe Systems
Standards Association of Australia, 2008
National electrical code : 2005
National Fire Protection Association., 2004
Reading Greek: Grammar and Exercises
Joint Association of Classical Teachers, 2007
Standards for the Assessment of Reading and Writing (revised edition)
International Reading Association, 2009
Guidelines for bibliographic description of reproductions
Association for Library Collections & Technical Services. Committee on Cataloging: Description, 1995
Some more short stories
T. V. Mandravanan, Children"s Book Trust, Association of Writers, 1987
Data Mining for Association Rules and Sequential Patterns: Sequential and Parallel Algorithms
Jean-Marc Adamo (auth.), 2001
The New York Rules of Professional Conduct: Spring 2011
New York County Lawyers" Association Ethics Instit, 2011
Membrane Proteins: Folding, Association, and Design
Lidia Cristian, 2013
Wireless Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications (3 vol)
USA Information Resources Management Association, 2011
Foundations of Banking Risk: An Overview of Banking, Banking Risks, and Risk-Based Banking Regulation
GARP (Global Association of Risk Professionals), 2009
Foundations of Financial Risk: An Overview of Financial Risk and Risk-based Financial Regulation
GARP (Global Association of Risk Professionals), 2015