نتایج جستجو

Development of New MDR-Tuberculosis Drugs (Pharmacology - Research, Safety Testing and Regulation)
Jarmila Vinsova, Martin Kratky, 2010
Drug Abuse Treatment Through Collaboration: Practice and Research Partnerships That Work
James L. Sorensen, Richard A. Rawson, Joseph Guydish, Joan E. Zweben, 2003
Drug Delivery Research Advances
Boris O. Mashkevich, 2008
Drug Use and Ethnicity in Early Adolescence (Longitudinal Research in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: An Interdisciplinary Series)
William A. Vega, Andres G. Gil, 1998
G Protein-coupled Receptors: Molecular Pharmacology From Academic Concept to Pharmaceutical Research
Georges Vauquelin, Bengt von Mentzer, 2008
Career as an optometrist : doctor of optometry : respected vision healthcare professional.
Institute for Career Research
Review of the US Navy's human health risk assessment of the naval air facility at Atsugi, Japan
Committee on Toxicology, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council.
Unhealthy Housing: Research, remedies and reform
R. Burridge, 1993
Cerebral Vasospasm: New Strategies in Research and Treatment
Talat Kiris, 2008
Adult Attachment and Couple Psychotherapy: The 'Secure Base' in Practice and Research
Christopher Clulow, 2000
Career As a Marriage and Family Therapist
Institute For Career Research
Career As an Occupational Therapist
Institute for Career Research, 2005
Child-Centered Play Therapy Research: The Evidence Base for Effective Practice
Jennifer N. Baggerly, Dee C. Ray, Sue C. Bratton, 2010
Contemporary Cognitive Therapy: Theory, Research, and Practice
Robert L. Leahy PhD, 2004
Evaluation of capacity to consent to treatment and research
Brian Carrier, 2010
Analysing Everyday Experience: Social Research and Political Change
Niamh Stephenson, Dimitris Papadopoulos, 2006
Barometers of Quality of Life Around the Globe: How Are We Doing? (Social Indicators Research Series)
Valerie Moller, Denis Huschka, Alex C. Michalos, 2008
Barometers of Quality of Life Around the Globe: How Are We Doing? (Social Indicators Research Series)
Valerie Moller, Denis Huschka, Alex C. Michalos, 2008
Basics of Social Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches (2nd Edition)
W. Lawrence Neuman, 2006
Community Quality-of-Life Indicators: Best Cases II (Social Indicators Research Series)
M.Joseph Sirgy, Don Rahtz, David Swain, 2006