نتایج جستجو

Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want
Alexander Osterwalder, 2014
Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want
Alexander Osterwalder, 2014
Food and Globalization: Consumption, Markets and Politics in the Modern World (Cultures of Consumption)
Alexander Nützenadel, 2008
Encyclopedia of Earthquakes and Volcanoes
Alexander E. Gates, 2007
An introduction to Lie groups and Lie algebras
Alexander Kirillov Jr, 2008
An Introduction to Lie Groups and Lie Algebras (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics)
Alexander Kirillov Jr, 2008
Delegation von Aufgaben an IT-Assistenzsysteme: Sicherheit und Rechtsverbindlichkeit am Beispiel von E-Government und E-Tourismus
Alexander Roßnagel (auth.), 2009
Descriptive Set Theory and the Structure of Sets of Uniqueness
Alexander S. Kechris, 1987
Descriptive set theory and the structure of sets of uniqueness
Alexander S. Kechris, 1987
Anorectal Malformations in Children: Embryology, Diagnosis, Surgical Treatment, Follow-up
Alexander M. Hohlschneider, 2006
System Design for Telecommunication Gateways
Alexander Bachmutsky, 2010
WiMAX evolution: emerging technologies and applications
Alexander Bachmutsky, 2009
Coronary Vasodilators
R. Charlier, P. Alexander, 1961
Storyteller's Companion (Exalted, 2nd Edition)
Alan Alexander, 2006
Differential Diagnosis in Small Animal Medicine
Alexander Gough, 2007
First across the continent: Sir Alexander Mackenzie
Barry M. Gough, 1997
Innovation and International Corporate Growth
Alexander Gerybadze, 2010
Innovation and International Corporate Growth
Alexander Gerybadze, 2010
Alexander Graham Bell and the Telephone: The Invention That Changed Communication (Milestones in American History)
Samuel Willard Crompton, 2008
Alexander the Great (Ancient World Leaders)
Samuel Willard Crompton, 2003