نتایج جستجو

An annotated bibliography of Taiwan film studies
Cheng, Jim; Noguchi, Sachie; Wicks, James, 2016
Incorporating Science, Economics, and Sociology in Developing Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standards in International Trade: Proceedings of a Conference
Council, N.R.;Studies, D.E.L.;Resources, B.A.N., 2000
Theory and Method in Organization Studies: Paradigms and Choices
Strati, A., 2000
Visions of STS : Counterpoints in Science, Technology, and Society Studies.
Cutcliffe, Stephen H.; Mitcham, Carl, 2012
Introduction to group-analytic psychotherapy : studies in the social integration of individuals and groups
Siegmund Heinz Foulkes, 1983
’Studies in Logic’ by Members of the Johns Hopkins University (1883)
Charles S. Peirce (ed.), 1983
Oxford studies in philosophy of religion, Volume 3
Kvanvig, Jonathan L., 2008/9999
Studio Studies: Operations, Topologies and Displacements
Ignacio Farías, Alex Wilkie (eds.), 2015
Securing compliance : seven case studies
Martin Lawrence Friedland, 1990
The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Translation Studies
Roberto A Valdeon; Africa Vidal, 2019
Oxford Studies in Metaethics 13
Russ Shafer-Landau, 2018
China Confidential: American Diplomats and Sino-American Relations, 1945-1996
Tucker, N.B.;Foreign Affairs Oral History Program;Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training, 2001
Scientific Advances in Animal Nutrition: Promise for the New Century: Proceedings of a Symposium
Council, N.R.;Studies, D.E.L.;Resources, B.A.N.;Nutrition, C.A., 2002
Border Crossings: Translation Studies and other disciplines
Yves Gambier, Luc van Doorslaer, (Eds.), 2016
Cultural Studies: Interdisciplinarity and Translation
Stefan Herbrechter, (Ed.), 2002
Studies in the history of Arabic grammar II
Kees Versteegh and Michael G. Carter (eds.), 1990
The High-Status track : studies of elite schools and stratification
Paul W Kingston; Lionel S Lewis, 1990
Marbeh Ḥokmah: Studies in the Bible and the Ancient Near East in Loving Memory of Victor Avigdor Hurowitz = מרבה חכמה: מחקרים במקרא ומזרח קדום. ספר זיכרון לאביגדור ויקטור הורוויץ ז"ל
Shamir Yonah, Edward L. Greenstein, Mayer I. Gruber, Peter Machinist, Shalom M. Paul, 2015
Translation Theory and Development Studies: A Complexity Theory Approach
Kobus Marais, 2014
Critical Translation Studies
Douglas Robinson, 2017