نتایج جستجو

Expressions of Gender in the Altaic World: Proceedings of the 56th Meeting of the Permanent International Altaic Conference (Piac)
Oliver Corff; Münevver Tekcan, 2021
Killing Congress: Assassinations, Attempted Assassinations and Other Violence against Members of Congress
Nancy E. Marion, Willard Oliver PhDProfessorSam Houston State University, 2014
Philosophy of Economics: A Heterodox Introduction
Oliver Schlaudt, 2021
Crash Course General Medicine
Oliver Leach; Gijsbert Isaac Van Boxel; Daniel Horton-Szar; Richard Makins, 2013
Capitalism as a system
Oliver C Cox, 1964
The Great War, the Waste Land and the Modernist Long Poem
Oliver Tearle, 2019
Paint Alchemy: Exploring Process-Driven Techniques through Design, Pattern, Color, Abstraction, Acrylic and Mixed Media
Ms. Eva Marie Magill-Oliver, 2018
Machine Learning - kurz & gut: Einführung mit Python, Pandas und Scikit-Learn
Chi Nhan Nguyen, Oliver Zeigermann, 2021
Machine Learning - kurz & gut: Einführung mit Python, Pandas und Scikit-Learn
Chi Nhan Nguyen, Oliver Zeigermann, 2021
Hal a tortán
Trunkó Bence, Búss Gábor Olivér, 2008
Dark Star
Oliver Langmead, 2017
The Routledge Companion to Commedia dell'Arte
Judith Chaffee, Oliver Crick, 2014
Első szerelmek és utolsó történetek
Oliver Sacks, 2020
Tengeri rémek
Clare Oliver, 1999
Oliver Sacks, 2016
Oliver Sacks, 2010
Continuum Mechanics for Engineers, Third Edition
X. Oliver C. ; Agelet de Saracibar
Developing Human Resources in Southeast Asia: A Holistic Framework for the ASEAN Community
Oliver S. Crocco, 2021
Developing Human Resources in Southeast Asia: A Holistic Framework for the ASEAN Community
Oliver S. Crocco, 2021
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Research Track: European Conference, ECML PKDD 2021, Bilbao, Spain, September 13–17, 2021, Proceedings, Part III
Nuria Oliver, Fernando Pérez-Cruz, Stefan Kramer, Jesse Read, Jose A. Lozano, 2021
Cultures of Change in Contemporary Zimbabwe: Socio-Political Transition from Mugabe to Mnangagwa (Routledge Contemporary Africa)
Oliver Nyambi (editor), Tendai Mangena (editor), Gibson Ncube (editor), 2021