نتایج جستجو

"Si Lomé m'était contée…" Dialogues avec les vieux Loméens: Tome III
Yves Marguerat; Tchétchékou Péléï; Radio Lomé, 1996
The Road to Universal Logic: Festschrift for 50th Birthday of Jean-Yves Béziau Volume I
Arnold Koslow, Arthur Buchsbaum, 2014
Financial Theory with Python: A Gentle Introduction
Yves Hilpisch, 2021
Diseñando la propuesta de valor: Cómo crear los productos y servicios que tus clientes están esperando
Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur, Alan Smith, Gregory Bernarda, Patricia Papadakos
Abeceda rezidbe
Jean-Yves Prat, Denis Retournard, 2003
Dieu la science les preuves
Michel-Yves Bolloré, 2021
La Dramaturgie
Yves Lavandier, 2019
Boolean Functions : Theory, Algorithms, and Applications.
Yves Crama, Peter L. Hammer, 2011
Foundations and Practice of Security: 13th International Symposium, FPS 2020, Montreal, QC, Canada, December 1–3, 2020, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12637)
Gabriela Nicolescu (editor), Assia Tria (editor), José M. Fernandez (editor), Jean-Yves Marion (editor), Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro (editor), 2021
La question prioritaire de constitutionnalité
Julien Bonnet, Pierre-Yves Gahdoun, 2014
France nouvelle, a nous, jeunes! Vers l’unité
Georges Lamirand, Georges Pelorson, Yves de Verdilhac, 1941
Ibn Khaldun: The Birth of History and The Past of the Third World
Yves Lacoste, 1985
Homotopy Theory of Function Spaces and Related Topics: Oberwolfach Workshop, April 5-11, 2009, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut, Oberwolfach, Germany
Yves Felix, Gregory Lupton, Samuel B. Smith (ed.), 2010
House of Mirrors: Justin Trudeau's Foreign Policy
Yves Engler, 2020
Poesia e fotografia
Yves Bonnefoy, 2014
Lexique comparatif des langues oubanguiennes
Yves Moñino, 1988
Advances in the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic
Yves Chevallard, Berta Barquero, Marianna Bosch, Ignasi Florensa, Josep Gascón, Pedro Nicolás, Noemí Ruiz-Munzón, 2022
Pratique de l'échographie obstétricale au 1er trimestre
Jean-Philippe Bault; Philippe Coquel; Yves Ville
The Falaise Pocket: Normandy, August 1944
Yves Buffetaut, 2019
To Live is to Resist: The Life of Antonio Gramsci
Jean-Yves Frétigné; Laura Marris, 2022
To Live Is to Resist: The Life of Antonio Gramsci
Jean-Yves Fretigne, Laura Marris (transl.), 2022
Manuel de l'étude de prix
Yves Widloecher, David Cusant, 2020
Olasılık Dışındaki
Yves Bonnefoy, 2003