نتایج جستجو

Introduction to actuarial mathematics: educational manual
Ковалева И.М., 2017
Variation calculus and methods of optimization: educational manual
Жүнісова Ж.Х., 2016
Pedagogy of interpersonal communication: educational methodological manual
Махамбетова Ж.Т., 2018
Financial mathematics: educational manual
Альжанова Н.Ш., 2014
Laboratory works for fluid mechanics: educational-methoical manual
Босинов Д.Ж., 2018
Educational Progress in Southeast Asia
John Sydenham Furnivall; Bruno Lasker, 1943
Current Studies in Educational Measurement and Evaluation
Salih CEPNI, Yilmaz KARA, 2019
Educational and social uplift of backward classes : at what cost and how? Mandal Commission and after
S. P. Agrawal; J. C. Aggarwal
Measuring educational potentiality of crafts
National Institute of Basic Education, 1960
Decolonizing Educational Research: From Ownership to Answerability
Leigh Patel, 2015
Contemporary Perspectives on Social Capital in Educational Contexts
RoSusan D. Bartee, Phillis. L. George, 2019
Dismantling Contemporary Deficit Thinking: Educational Thought and Practice
Richard R. Valencia, 2010
Educational Paths to Mathematics: A C.I.E.A.E.M. Sourcebook
Uwe Gellert, Joaquim Gimenez Rodriguez, Corinne Hahn, Sonia Kafoussi, 2015
Guerrilla Mum: Surviving the Special Educational Needs Jungle
Ellen Power, 2010
Changing the Educational Landscape: Philosophy, Women, and Curriculum
Jane Roland Martin, 2017
Contextualising Educational Studies in India: Research, Policy and Practices
Pradeep Kumar Choudhury, Suresh Babu G.S, 2021
Current Issues in Educational Policy and the Law
Kevin G. Welner, Wendy C. Chi (eds.), 2008
Educational Regimes in Contemporary India
Radhika Chopra (editor), Patricia Jeffery (editor), Helmut Reifeld (editor), 2005
The Maoist Educational Revolution
Theodore Hsi-en Chen, 1974