نتایج جستجو

Runtime verification : 21st international conference, RV 2021, virtual event, October 11-14, 2021 : proceedings
Dana Fisman (editor); Lu Feng (editor), 2021
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Water Energy Food and Sustainability (ICoWEFS 2021)
João Rafael da Costa Sanches Galvão (editor), Paulo Sérgio Duque de Brito (editor), Filipe dos Santos Neves (editor), Flávio Gabriel da Silva Craveiro (editor), Henrique de Amorim Almeida (editor), Joel Oliveira Correia Vasco (editor), Luís Miguel Pires Neves (editor), Ricardo de Jesus Gomes (editor), Sandra de Jesus Martins Mourato (editor), Vânia Sofia Santos Ribeiro (editor), 2021
6th International Conference on Adhesive Bonding 2021: Selected Contributions of AB 2021
Lucas F. M. da Silva, Robert D. Adams, 2021
6th International Conference on Adhesive Bonding 2021: Selected Contributions of AB 2021
Lucas F. M. da Silva, Robert D. Adams, 2021
Advances in Computer Graphics : 38th Computer Graphics International Conference, CGI 2021 Virtual Event, September 6–10, 2021 Proceedings
Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, Victoria Interrante, Daniel Thalmann, George Papagiannakis, Bin Sheng, Jinman Kim, Marina Gavrilova (eds.), 2022
Artificial intelligence and soft computing : 20th international conference, ICAISC 2021, virtual event, June 21-23, 2021 : proceedings
Jacek M. Zurada (editor); Marcin Korytkowski (editor); Rafał Scherer (editor); Leszek Rutkowski (editor); Witold Pedrycz (editor); Ryszard Tadeusiewicz (editor), 2021
Network games, control and optimization : 10th international conference, NetGCooP 2020, France, September 22-24, 2021 : proceedings
Ariel Orda (editor); Panayotis Mertikopoulos (editor); Samson Lasaulce (editor), 2021
Asia After Versailles: Asian Perspectives on the Paris Peace Conference and the Interwar Order, 1919-33
Urs Matthias Zachmann, 2017
Belief functions : theory and applications : 6th International Conference, BELIEF 2021, Shanghai, China, October 15-19, 2021, Proceedings
Thierry Denœux, Eric Lefèvre, Zhunga Liu, Frédéric Pichon (eds.), 2021
Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation. 19th International Conference, UCNC 2021 Espoo, Finland, October 18–22, 2021 Proceedings
Irina Kostitsyna, Pekka Orponen (eds.), 2021
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2021: 21st International Conference, Cagliari, Italy, September 13–16, 2021, Proceedings, Part V (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12953)
Osvaldo Gervasi (editor), Beniamino Murgante (editor), Sanjay Misra (editor), Chiara Garau (editor), Ivan Blečić (editor), David Taniar (editor), Bernady O. Apduhan (editor), Ana Maria A. C. Rocha (editor), Eufemia Tarantino (editor), Carmelo Maria Torre (editor), 2021
Artificial Intelligence for Communications and Networks: Third EAI International Conference, AICON 2021, Xining, China, October 23–24, 2021, ... and Telecommunications Engineering, 396)
Xianbin Wang (editor), Kai-Kit Wong (editor), Shanji Chen (editor), Mingqian Liu (editor), 2021
Discovery Science: 24th International Conference, DS 2021, Halifax, NS, Canada, October 11–13, 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Carlos Soares (editor), Luis Torgo (editor), 2021
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: 19th International Conference, CAIP 2021, Virtual Event, September 28–30, 2021, Proceedings, Part I
Nicolas Tsapatsoulis, Andreas Panayides, Theo Theocharides, Andreas Lanitis, Constantinos Pattichis, Mario Vento, 2021
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: 19th International Conference, CAIP 2021, Virtual Event, September 28–30, 2021, Proceedings, Part I
Nicolas Tsapatsoulis, Andreas Panayides, Theo Theocharides, Andreas Lanitis, Constantinos Pattichis, Mario Vento, 2021
Entertainment Computing – ICEC 2021: 20th IFIP TC 14 International Conference, ICEC 2021, Coimbra, Portugal, November 2–5, 2021, Proceedings
Jannicke Baalsrud Hauge, Jorge C. S. Cardoso, Licínio Roque, Pedro A. Gonzalez-Calero, 2021
Entertainment Computing – ICEC 2021: 20th IFIP TC 14 International Conference, ICEC 2021, Coimbra, Portugal, November 2–5, 2021, Proceedings
Jannicke Baalsrud Hauge, Jorge C. S. Cardoso, Licínio Roque, Pedro A. Gonzalez-Calero, 2021
Contradictory Woolf: Selected Papers from the Twenty-First Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf
Derek Ryan (editor), Stella Bolaki (editor), 2012
Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems: 22nd Annual Conference, TAROS 2021, Lincoln, UK, September 8–10, 2021, Proceedings
Charles Fox, Junfeng Gao, Amir Ghalamzan Esfahani, Mini Saaj, Marc Hanheide, Simon Parsons, 2021
Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems: 22nd Annual Conference, TAROS 2021, Lincoln, UK, September 8–10, 2021, Proceedings
Charles Fox, Junfeng Gao, Amir Ghalamzan Esfahani, Mini Saaj, Marc Hanheide, Simon Parsons, 2021
Computer Vision Systems: 13th International Conference, ICVS 2021, Virtual Event, September 22-24, 2021, Proceedings
Markus Vincze, Timothy Patten, Henrik I Christensen, Lazaros Nalpantidis, Ming Liu, 2021
Computer Vision Systems: 13th International Conference, ICVS 2021, Virtual Event, September 22-24, 2021, Proceedings
Markus Vincze, Timothy Patten, Henrik I Christensen, Lazaros Nalpantidis, Ming Liu, 2021
Application of Big Data, Blockchain, and Internet of Things for Education Informatization: First EAI International Conference, BigIoT-EDU 2021, ... and Telecommunications Engineering)
Mian Ahmad Jan (editor), Fazlullah Khan (editor), 2021