نتایج جستجو

Present Knowledge in Food Safety: A Risk-Based Approach Through the Food Chain
Michael E. Knowles, Lucia Anelich, Alan Boobis, Bert Popping, 2022
Gospel Mysteries: Further Light And Knowledge
Gail C. McOmber
Stand Before Your God: An American Schoolboy in England
Paul Watkins, 2010
All the Knowledge in the World: The Extraordinary History of the Encyclopedia
Simon Garfield, 2023
Helping Your Pupils to Think for Themselves
Jeni Wilson, Kath Murdoch, 2008
Sharing and Hiding Religious Knowledge in Early Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Mladen Popović (editor), 2018
The Archaeology of Knowledge
Michel Foucault, 2002
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra Student Solutions Manual
Tyler Wallace, 2011
Metaphysics and Its Task: The Search for the Categorial Foundation of Knowledge
Jorge J. E. Gracia, 1999
Older People, Ageing and Social Work: Knowledge for Practice
Mark Hughes; Karen Heycox, 2010
Sprachliches Wissen zwischen Lexikon und Grammatik
Stefan Engelberg (editor); Anke Holler (editor); Kristel Proost (editor), 2011
Dinge des Wissens: Schulunterricht als sozio-materielle Praxis
Tobias Röhl, 2013
La nourriture des Dieux : En quête de l'arbre de la connaissance originelle
Terence McKenna, 1999
Transformation of Knowledge and Educational Reform
Zhongying Shi, 2023
Children with Special Needs: An Overview of Knowledge on Disability
Ulrika Hallberg, Gunilla Klingberg, 2023
Campaigns of Knowledge: U.S. Pedagogies of Colonialism and Occupation in the Philippines and Japan
Malini Johar Schueller, 2019