نتایج جستجو

The Foundations of Arabic Linguistics III: The Development of a Tradition: Continuity and Change
Georgine Ayoub, Kees Versteegh, 2018
Handbook of comparative and historical Indo-European linguistics
Jared Klein, Brian Joseph, Matthias Fritz (eds.), 2018
Linguistics: Past, Present & Future Perspectives
Harry Barnes, 2017
Mixed-Effects Regression Models in Linguistics
Dirk Speelman,Kris Heylen,Dirk Geeraerts (eds.), 2018
Syntactic Structures after 60 Years: The Impact of the Chomskyan Revolution in Linguistics
Hornstein, Norbert; Lasnik, Howard; Patel-Grosz, Pritty; Yang, Charles, 2018
The Routledge handbook of translation studies and linguistics
Malmkjær, Kirsten, 2018
The Routledge handbook of translation studies and linguistics
Malmkjær, Kirsten, 2018
Indo-European Linguistics
Michael Meier-Brügger, 2003
The Oxford Handbook of Japanese Linguistics
Shigeru Miyagawa, Mamoru Saito, 2008
Historical Linguistics: An Introduction (Instructor’s Manual)
Lyle Campbell, 2013
The Routledge Handbook of Arabic Linguistics
Elabbas Benmamoun (ed.), Reem Bassiouney (ed.), 2017
Linguistics, computers, and the language teacher : a communicative approach
Underwood, John Harvey, 1984
Applying Systemic Functional Linguistics: The State of the Art in China Today
Jonathan J. Webster, Xuanwei Peng (eds.), 2017
Grounded Theory in Applied Linguistics Research: A practical guide
Gregory Hadley, 2017
Wordcrime: Solving Crime Through Forensic Linguistics
John Olsson, 2009
Cultural Linguistics: Cultural Conceptualisations and Language
Farzad Sharifian, 2017
Mathematical Methods in Linguistics
Barbara Partee, Alice Ter Meulen, Robert Wall, 1993
The second ’Glot international’ state-of-the-article book : the latest in linguistics
Sybesma, Rintje Pieter Eelke; Cheng, Lisa Lai-Shen, 2003
Corpus Linguistics for Vocabulary: A Guide for Research
Paweł Szudarski, 2018
Corpus Linguistics for ELT: Research and Practice
Ivor Timmis, 2015
Ancient Greek Linguistics : New Approaches, Insights, Perspectives
Logozzo, Felicia; Poccetti, Paolo, 2017
Semiotics and linguistics
Tobin, Yishai, 1990