نتایج جستجو

Cancer Epidemiology: Modifiable Factors
Irene Brüske-Hohlfeld (auth.), Mukesh Verma PhD (eds.), 2009
Cancer Epidemiology: Modifiable Factors
Irene Brüske-Hohlfeld (auth.), Mukesh Verma PhD (eds.), 2009
Antigen Processing: Methods and Protocols
Stefan Tenzer, Tobias Hain, Hendrik Berger, Hansjörg Schild (auth.), Peter van Endert (eds.), 2013
Bacterial Biofilms
K. P. Lemon, A. M. Earl, H. C. Vlamakis, C. Aguilar, R. Kolter (auth.), Tony Romeo (eds.), 2008
Therapy of Viral Infections
Wibke E. Diederich, Holger Steuber (eds.), 2015
Advances in Neuromorphic Memristor Science and Applications
Greg Snider (auth.), Robert Kozma, Robinson E. Pino, Giovanni E. Pazienza (eds.), 2012
Manual of Neonatal Respiratory Care
Vinod K. Bhutani MD (auth.), Steven M. Donn, Sunil K. Sinha (eds.), 2012
A Companion to Diaspora and Transnationalism
Ato Quayson, Girish Daswani (Eds.), 2013
A pan-chromatic view of clusters of galaxies and the large-scale structure
C. L. Sarazin (auth.), Manolis Plionis, David Hughes, Omar López-Cruz (eds.), 2008
Calculus of Finite Differences in Quantum Electrodynamics
Henning F. Harmuth and Beate Meffert (Eds.), 2003
Aerosol–Cloud–Climate Interactions
Peter V. Hobbs (Eds.), 1993
An Introduction to Atmospheric Gravity Waves
Carmen J. Nappo (Eds.), 2002
An Introduction to Atmospheric Radiation
K.N. Liou (Eds.), 2002
Approaches to Scaling of Trace Gas Fluxes in Ecosystems
A.F. Bouwman (Eds.), 1999
Circulating Nucleic Acids in Plasma and Serum: Proceedings of the 6th international conference on circulating nucleic acids in plasma and serum held on 9-11 November 2009 in Hong Kong.
Peter B. Gahan (auth.), Peter B. Gahan (eds.), 2011
Integrated Management of Diseases Caused by Fungi, Phytoplasma and Bacteria
A. Peter Sholberg, Frank Kappel (auth.), A. Ciancio, K.G. Mukerji (eds.), 2008
The Earth’s Plasmasphere: A CLUSTER and IMAGE Perspective
James L. Burch, C. Philippe Escoubet (auth.), F. Darrouzet, J. De Keyser, V. Pierrard (eds.), 2009
Neutrino Mass
Boris Kayser (auth.), Klaus Winter, Guido Altarelli (eds.), 2003
Paramagnetic Resonance in Solids
Frederick Seitz, David Turnbull and William Low (Eds.), 1960
Bacteriophages: Methods and Protocols, Volume 2 Molecular and Applied Aspects
Derek John Juan Pickard (auth.), Martha R.J. Clokie, Andrew M. Kropinski (eds.), 2009
AJCC Cancer Staging Atlas: A Companion to the Seventh Editions of the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual and Handbook
Carolyn C. Compton MD, PhD, FCAP, David R. Byrd MD, FACS (auth.), Carolyn C. Compton, David R. Byrd, Julio Garcia-Aguilar, Scott H. Kurtzman, Alexander Olawaiye, Mary Kay Washington (eds.), 2012
Aktuelle Perspektiven der Biologischen Psychiatrie
Prof. Dr. D. Yves von Cramon (auth.), Prof. Dr. H.-J. Möller, Prof. Dr. F. Müller-Spahn, Dr. G. Kurtz (eds.), 1996
Constructivity in Computer Science: Summer Symposium San Antonio, TX, June 19–22, 1991 Proceeding
Stuart A. Kurtz, John C. Mitchell (auth.), J. Paul Myers Jr., Michael J. O'Donnell (eds.), 1992
A Romance Perspective on Language Knowledge and Use: Selected Papers from the 31st Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Chicago, 19–22 April 2001
Rafael Núñez-Cedeño, Luis López, Richard Cameron (Eds.), 2003