نتایج جستجو

The Inner Lives of Ancient Houses: An Archaeology of Dura-Europos
J. A. Baird, 2014
A history of ancient Persia, from its earliest beginnings to the death of Alexander the Great
Rogers, Robert William, 1864-1930, 1971
Imprints of Kinship: Studies of Recently Discovered Bronze Inscriptions from Ancient China
Edward Shaughnessy, 2017
Toxic Masculinity in the Ancient World (Intersectionality in Classical Antiquity)
Melanie Racette-Campbell (editor), Aven McMaster (editor), 2023
Afterlives of Ancient Rock-Cut Monuments in the Near East: Carvings in and out of Time
Jonathan Ben-Dov, Felipe Rojas, 2021
The History of China–Japan Relations: From Ancient World to Modern International Order
Ping Bu (editor), Shinichi Kitaoka (editor), 2023
The Tears of Re: Beekeeping in Ancient Egypt
Gene Kritsky, 2015
The Tears of Re: Beekeeping in Ancient Egypt
Gene Kritsky, 2015
Timber in Ancient Israel: Dendroarcharology and Dendrochronology
Nili Liphscitz, 2008
Views of Ancient Egypt since Napoleon Bonaparte
David Jeffreys (editor), 2012
Ancient China and the Yue: Perceptions and Identities on the Southern Frontier, c.400 BCE–50 CE
Erica Fox Brindley, 2015
Oral Law of Ancient Israel
The Family in Life and in Death: The Family in Ancient Israel: Sociological and Archaeological Perspectives
Dutcher-Walls, Patricia, 2009
Views of Ancient Egypt since Napoleon Bonaparte: Imperialism, Colonialism and Modern Appropriations
David Jeffreys (editor), 2017
Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy
John J. Cleary, 1986
Intentional History: Spinning Time in Ancient Greece
Lin Foxhall, Hans-Joachim Gehrke, Nino Luraghi (eds.), 2010
The Ancient State of Puyŏ in Northeast Asia: Archaeology and Historical Memory
Mark E. Byington, 2016
The Civilization of Ancient Egypt
Paul Johnson, 1998
Ancient Faith and Modern Freedom in John Dryden's the Hind and the Panther
Anne Barbeau Gardiner, 1998
Daily Life In Ancient India: From 200 BC to 700 AD
Jeannine Auboyer, 2002
Witchcraft and Magic in Europe, Vol. 2 : Ancient Greece and Rome
Bengt Ankarloo; Stuart Clark, 1999
Divination in the Ancient World: Religious Options and the Individual
Veit Rosenberger, 2013