نتایج جستجو

IEEE Std 142-1982, IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, 1982
IEEE Std 399-1997, IEEE Recommended Practice for Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Analysis
Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, 1998
IEEE STD 802.16e - Standard for Local
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IEEE STD 81.2-1991Guide for Measurement of Impedance and Safetycharacteristics of Large, Extended
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1997
IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (December 2004)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2004
IEEE transactions on components, packaging, and manufacturing technology. : Part C, Manufacturing a publication of the IEEE Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology Society ; IEEE TAB Steering Committee on Design and Manufacturing Engineering
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.; Components, Packaging & Manufacturing Technology Society.; IEEE TAB Steering Committee on Design and Manufacturing Engineering, -1998
Micromechanics and MEMS: classic and seminal papers to 1990
W. Trimmer, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1997
State of the World: Can a City Be Sustainable?
Worldwatch Institute (auth.), 2016
Electron Emission Spectroscopy: Proceedings of the NATO Summer Institute held at the University of Gent, August 28–September 7, 1972
C. B. Duke (auth.), W. Dekeyser, L. Fiermans, G. Vanderkelen, J. Vennik (eds.), 1973
Budgeting for Better Performance
Institute of Leadership & Management, 2003
Budgeting for better performance
Clare Donelly; Bob Foley; Institute of Leadership & Management (Great Britain), 2003
Budgeting for Better Performance Super Series, Fourth Edition (ILM Super Series)
Institute of Leadership & Mana, 2003
Career As an Agricultural Economist: Agricultural Development and Agribusiness
Institute For Career Research
Iron Ore Conference 2011
The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (The AusIMM), 2011
BS 6079-1:2000 - Project management - Part 1: Guide to project management (BS6079)
BSI British Standard Institute, 2000
BS 6079-2:2000 - Project management - Part 2: Vocabulary (BS6079)
BSI British Standard Institute
NFPA 80, Fire doors and fire windows
National Fire Protection Association.; American National Standards Institute, 1999
11th AusIMM Underground Operators' Conference 2011
The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (The AusIMM), 2011
Adhesion '99 : Seventh International Conference on Adhesion and Adhesives, Churchill College, Cambridge, UK, 15-17 September 1999
Institute of Materials, Minerals, and Mining, 1999?]
Mineral resource and ore reserve estimation : the AusIMM guide to good practice
AC Edwards; Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 2001
Petrology and Geochemistry of Continental Rifts: Volume One of the Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Paleorift Systems with Emphasis on the Permian Oslo Rift, held in Oslo, Norway, July 27–August 5, 1977
D. K. Bailey (auth.), E.-R. Neumann, I. B. Ramberg (eds.), 1978
LPIC-1 Linux Professional Institute Certification Study Guide: Exam 101-400 and Exam 102-400
Christine Bresnahan, Richard Blum, 2015