نتایج جستجو

Cassini at Saturn: Huygens Results (Springer Praxis Books Space Exploration)
David M. Harland, 2007
Optical Fiber Fusion Splicing (Springer Series in Optical Sciences)
Andrew D. Yablon, 2005
Nonholonomic Manipulators (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics)
Woojin Chung, 2010
Bonding in Microsystem Technology (Springer Series in Advanced Microelectronics)
Jan A. Dziuban, 2006
Analytical Ultracentrifugation of Polymers and Nanoparticles (Springer Laboratory)
Walter Machtle, Lars Borger, 2006
Analytical Ultracentrifugation of Polymers and Nanoparticles (Springer Laboratory)
Walter Machtle, Lars Borger, 2006
Multiple Heterogeneous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics)
Anibal Ollero, Gunter Hommel, Simon Lacroix, Marek Musial, Volker Remu?,Federico Cuesta,Luis Merino,, 2007
Searching for Water in the Universe (Springer Praxis Books / Popular Astronomy)
Thérèse Encrenaz, 2006
Islamic Radicalism and Global Jihad
Devin R. Springer, James L. Regens, David N. Edger, 2009
Class 1 Oxidoreductases XII: EC 1.14.15 - 1.97 (Springer Handbook of Enzymes)
Dietmar Schomburg, Ida Schomburg, Antje Chang, 2005
Class 2 Transferases X: EC - (Springer Handbook of Enzymes)
Dietmar Schomburg, Ida Schomburg, A. Chang, 2007
Class 4-6 Lyases, Isomerases, Ligases: EC 4-6 (Springer Handbook of Enzymes, Supplement Volume S7)
Antje Chang, Dietmar Schomburg, Ida Schomburg, 2009
Springer handbook of enzymes
Dietmar Schomburg, Dietmar Schomburg;Ida Schomburg;A. Chang, 2007
Springer Handbook of Enzymes, 2nd Edition, Supplement Volume S3 (Class 2 Transferases EC–
Antje Chang, Dietmar Schomburg, Ida Schomburg, 2009
Bacterial Fish Pathogens: Disease of Farmed and Wild Fish (Springer Praxis Books Environmental Sciences)
B. Austin, D.A. Austin, 2007
Hair Cell Regeneration, Repair, and Protection (Springer Handbook of Auditory Research)
Richard J. Salvi, Arthur N. Popper, Richard R. Fay, 2008
Earnings Management: Emerging Insights in Theory, Practice, and Research (Springer Series in Accounting Scholarship)
Joshua Ronen, Varda Yaari, 2007
Earth phisics Springer
Reik Donner,Susana Barbosa, 2008
Ads to Icons: How Advertising Succeeds in a Multimedia Age
Paul Springer, 2009